What would Hunter S Thompson Say about Trump….

Joesph Feuerstein
3 min readMar 10, 2019

Day 745

“He said the word Decorum??? Its as if he had just watched a fucking Episode of Sesame Street and they happened to cover the word of the day, and he heard it from his play pen. The emperor has no tact to the 100th degree. After years of putting the word through a fucking cheese grater, the last fucking person to know what the fucking word means would be this embodiment of Mussolini who’s true conception happened to be a three way between a Car Salesmans Viagra, Rogaine and a midnight infomercial i tell you!!

He is the fucking Chinese knock off handbag of a Political Hacks, complete with the Muppet hair. Now your telling me he is going to go off about decorum, did he find this word from a speak and spell, or maybe it was the last word in a crossword puzzle that he couldn’t solve. Nixon had more class god damnt!!!

The white house in its present fucking state, is nothing but a white trash version of the playboy mansion now. politicians coming and going waiting, and willing bring their master their bone’s of principles and convictions. A god damn washer machine doesn’t have a spin cycle as high as this administration. Legitimate questions get asked, and the answers are from fucking people playing parent to one of those ill mannered brats, not my fucking child they say, as they stand at entrance of a murder scene or a collapsed coal mine of decency echoing Indignantly. I feel like i’m at a god damn Local PT school meeting Every time Sanders gets up behind the podium to defend a school bully who was elected class president, and worst of all the parents their don’t even give a shit about the circilum that their children are learning. The scariest thing out of all this, is i don’t think we have yet to see a true trump tantrum, yet. Think of the kind of effects that will have!

For metaphor purposes, if the republican party was shopping around for cars who happened to be politicians, this not a Reagan or a Lincoln or a god damn Nixon, this is the exact kind of car Steven king would proud of because this is the Christine of fucking politicians, it hijacked the republican party and it is driving itself around and will probably kill those inside if not brand them when it finally crashes with letter trump from the steering wheel right in the middle of their god damn forhead.

This Administration Parades the fucking lies around as if its thanksgiving, and were to busy looking at floating lies down 42nd street past Macy’s. Our brains are the turkeys that are getting stuffed, and over saturated, like a bad fucking trip that overwhelms the senses. it hard to stay focus and not walk away feeling off balanced, confused from this kind bad substance, and its a fucking stretch to say it had substance to being with. And all of us good folk have the god damn meat sweats. Then again perhaps he is a reflection of American society, the vain over indulgent narcissists, complete with ego stick for selfies that represent the highest point of the 80s mantras and angst/gluttony.

I’m sure to the political junkies they cannot get enough of this shit, and like any junkie they want more, and that makes the problem worse because they are encouraging him, and in some god damn way they are no different then the cult of Trump loyalist, i’m sure for both of them feel quiet liberated and entertaining by this popcorn politics, and thats’ the half the fucking problem because its a cewbiya of fuckery around the campfire we call america. He has Jim Jones the people with his Alternative facts, and Media is giving this man a fucking microphone and 24/7 coverage and you have to ask yourself, is that fucking responsible? Consider the fucking impact!!! its hard enough to keep up new facts in this digital age, now we got sponge up the illegitimate with a delayed correction. Its god damn Mental terrorism i say!!! Shut it off, tune it the fuck out, Rebel and burn it the fuck down, before he does.”



Joesph Feuerstein
Joesph Feuerstein

Written by Joesph Feuerstein

Journalist, Painter, Animator, Writer, Philosopher.

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