We all Pretend.
We all pretend to be someone we’re not, to protect the vulnerable person we all are. we all pretend that someone else has the power or control when we have both. it makes it easier on the level of self hate we share which is just a reflection of the world and its issues we pretend to something but really do nothing about. we build habits of work, school and eat those cycles like there lunch and breakfast. We cover our the leftovers of our dreams with saran wrap hoping they won’t expire because we can not afford any more dreams.
The act of believing is the lock and the key, a duality of sorts, its what gives money value, puts people in positions of dominating power, allows us to accept ignorance and ignore facts, in the end, do not accept others’ beliefs accept your own and always question it. Society colors is a reflection of self, painted in shades of neon narcissism with hues of generational entitlement, instilled mirroring fears, and corporate branded insecurity all manufactured and stamped with distraction to make you forget why you are here. if you don’t like the way things are or things about yourself, do something to change, stand by your convictions your heart, and your dreams, fight the good fight because nothing becomes of nothing, and more then anything questions everything always especially if you believes it that’s’ how you grow. the more you learn about yourself, the more you will love. I know someone else has said that before but name me something original, the best truths echo.
we are not here to be happy, or sad, or mad or any other emotion. Yes, emotion is key to what defines us as humans, but it is not our emotions that matter they are there to help guide us, take the time to understand them, that is the path to emotional intelligence. Learn to be patient with oneself and be compassionate and help all the lives of all things. as sentient creatures, we are caretakers of all life here including our own we are here to strive to be our best selves, and that best self has nothing to with the material or what’s around us, but what’s inside of us.
Perhaps No one is truly in love, just with the idea and play pretend. most people gave up the real thing and settled for stability because they were too much of a coward of the simple primal, fight or flight. we pretend that someone understands, the truth is bitter and inconvenient, and that’s’ is no one ever will understand, only you, especially the way you love them, no two people claiming to love each other feel the same kind of love, not in this life, maybe the next or perhaps on the other side of the fucking world; never mind; that’s another pretend we tell ourselves so we don’t face the reality, we are all alone, and the only meaningful change that will ever come is from our lives and our actions, not others. our feelings of love are our own and it will never be truly shared and will be always alone and that doesn’t make it bad, for at least you have it and you have felt, so spread it and be it, if you live for love, and you act with love, you will be love. whats more pure and saintly than that?
We settle for what is and not what can be, not on the dreamers and dreams that can change things because they manifest their ideals are. But all idealists are greedy to there own personal truth of what is and impose that onto others. Dangerous is the dreamer, for the very act of a dream is an act of rebellion. Greedy is the idealist, for an idea is pure but it is corrupted by imposing ego of I. a dream is an act of treason against the reality of lies force-fed to us since birth, screamed until it echoes scar our mind. Its madness beaten into us daily through the repertory, and its madness if we leave it unfulfilled that will leave a person’s soul twisted and leave nothing but a monster in frenzy. Dreams have no rules, no cages except the ones itself builds if left unfinished they will hold our mind and sometimes our hearts ransom to its desires until they are manifested and satisfied, and the most dangerous one is love because nothing can hold our gaze longer than that of pure love, it will grasp us all until death and everyday after it. To others our dreams or ideas has to fit the puzzle of the society’s construct or the piece is burned and put into a box whichever comes first, but when everything is burning it is those that dream that will save us all when the regulated conventional greed of the unwise and vain fails. Some of the dreams are universal and unselfish, true dreams/goals/hopes/ideas can not be measured they are limitless and always expanding and growing and can never be bound or blacked out with a marker or pen or even paint, for they are eternal and will never stagnate or make victims out of others.
we all take pictures of ourselves and the people in our lives or the places we have been, thinking it will add meaning or make us feel some sort of value, sorry to burst your bubble but every place has been explored and all resources emptied and every angle captured of the human body inside and out, that picture we take hoping it will fill a hole, hoping it will capture something less deformed then the flawed person we are, hoping that con that we sell to others will hold weight and that no one will see, we are all broken, no matter how much we pretend. the majority we are afraid we will forget, ourselves, and our experiences, it is fear that took that picture.
No one is truly happy, because believe we are undeserving, we all pretend to be who we are, we all tell ourselves a little lie of pretend. when everything is instant and or given there is a disconnect and a lack of appreciation, therefore, a lack of true knowledge and understand meaning there is no personal growth, whether it be emotional intelligence or mental intelligence that grows with time humble hands. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or you don’t, or which god or gods or none that you believe in, or the things you have or what you have done with your life or what you haven’t, no one is happy in this world of pretend, for true happiness comes from self and from within then goes out. Remember to do goodness, be kindness, be patient, always be love especially where there is none. Never stop teaching and learning, and stand up for those that have no voice. all lights die in darkness, so pour the gasoline of dreams out until you flood the world with your actions, and with the friction of mind and heart set them on fire and let it burn with grace blinding.
I’m going to pretend I never wrote this, you can pretend you never read this, and we all can go back to the cycle of pretend, because who really grows up, for most of us grow out; outside with trash of the temporary and let the growth of the inside rot, and that is the slowest kind of death.