Two Short Stories — The Fashion Geneticists. The Tiger, The Bear, and The Eagle.

Joesph Feuerstein
3 min readMar 21, 2022

The Fashion Geneticists

Lily Phillips was the first “Fashion Geneticists” who started her own bio 3d printing textile company out of a basement. She and her partner along with friends created a printer tip and patented a way to 3D print animal fur, fins, feathers, hair, and leather from any DNA particle the size of a piece of hair. She had found a way in her mind to humanely create textiles without murder and essentially put the fur industry out of business winning the Nobel prize. 30 years on her company now led by her granddaughter lead the world in new trending fashion with a variety of genetic samples gathered into a library in all combined with electrical inputs for peacocking electronic accessories for high-end fashion boutiques to choose from. The company did not take off until they actually were able to extract extinct animal genetic samples. At first, it was the mammoth fur, and sabertooth tiger pelts; well-known animals by the general public. But then as these furs became common carrier genetics were pursued, eventually people wanted more hybrid skins some artificial. Some country's fashion outlets took it one step further, People started to turn to possibly deform their bodies by merging the customer's DNA tailored to their genome with the samples from their bio 3d printing libraries illegally, whether it be an arm or leg with fins, fur or feathers. For some, it was a lifestyle and status, it was required for the jobs they did, if not mechanic enhancements were required whether it be a hitman, construction worker, military. All of it ranges from the level of intelligence to command a greater workforce of the unquestioning workers of low intelligence or ones of higher intelligence to hand complex tasks or to enhance our sense to hear and see in times of peace and war.
Great beauty can be found in all things but so can monsters, and eventually, it led to that in ways never imagined. AI was able to outproduce many new forms of Genetic Weapons. First, it was small tests of the weapons, outbreaks would happen and lockdowns would occur, done in order to cause chaos. Eventually, Warfare broke out on other nations spreading disease designed to either kill people based on their genetic heritage or worse, deforming their bodies, minds, or both into ravaging beasts locked behind their eyes without any control of their actions, traped in a hell that could be found in darkest corners.

The Tiger, The Bear, and The Eagle.

The sand crunched under the oiled covered gears of the automaton as it raked the radiated zen garden of sand and .any little flat circular stones both black and white evenly and equally distributed sitting comfortably on top of the sand making it appear as if it was a chessboard.

Despite it being in an automaton it was still draped in garbs and a cloak mimicking humanities. Outside the building sand dunes surround it for miles. Long had it been since the living visited its home. Every day at noon it would begin classes, the automaton would tell the same story to an empty space. It was originally programmed to be a teacher of peace and thoughtfulness it was instructed to teach the clones of power figures set to govern different regions of the world for all eternity, being cloned repetitive and treated like gods. When it spoke It, would tell of the ancient history of how we were all of one tribe that splintered, the tiger, the bear, and the eagle and how all fell for the great lie, that that one and not many could own the land, and in truth really the land owns all eventually and to stardust we return.

