Fear In Our Grandchildren’s Eyes

Joesph Feuerstein
3 min readNov 4, 2019

I fear some of us will live to see the trauma and horror in our grandchildren’s eyes and the fear, anger, sadness’s that we can not imagine emotionally at all because of of our collective inaction.

As time has goes on the more careless, regarding to the value of our labor, our morals, principles, dignity’ for all have have been exploited, dehumanized, overworked to the point of exhaustion to not collectively paying attention or pursue truth, instead we are accepting half truths which are full lies, and tolerating opinions are more important then facts by baby birded generational systems narrative of fear and control out greed/ego. Both are chains, a slow poison for them want divide and conquer by feeding fear, ego, vanity, insecurity, for it is easier to control by consistently by masking all of this as normal and ok.

Why do i say that? well right now we only value, insulated, and protect a system that values things. A system where the value of the things outweigh the value of life and the labors of the living(reinforced by collective belief/desperation or inaction) Right now we are on the edge of losing the value of everything. Right now the individuals greed(ego/fear) is worth more than the collective’s values and values; labor, or natural cycles of this one planet that sustain us, and our inaction has led to complacency, and complacency has led to tolerance of what is in my view a collective assisted suicide a reaction from ignorant inaction. society economic structure structure is based on of the nativity of the instant; fear mongering vanity, and gluttony. But now we MUST be patient no longer in tolerating these behaviors or feeding it with inaction. Forgive me for I am tired, tired of collective systematic lie we believe, that a another way is not possible. That we can not rise to meet the tides of change and progress together, overcome our differences.

Love is action. love should not be something that is just kept inside. Love should be splattered everywhere throughout every inch of your life, for it is acts of love, compassion, that make us truly great. Life should be a collection of our collective hearts. A collection of our best actions and ideas.I believe all sentient life reaches a level of consciousness where they understand that collectively they must be caretakers and not just takers.Love is patience. With patience comes understanding, and with understanding comes respect and Logic.

I do not want to look any generation in the eye, and say I failed them, that us and the generations before were a disappointment for they lacked humanity of logic, love and compassion,. Or that my parents failed them or my grandparents failed them and their sacrifices because we ignore the facts, because we supported a system that valued things more than life. That we fed into our lesser nature’s should I say primitive nature of fear, greed, ego and the act of believing them or feeding them. That it was more important then reverence love, compassion knowledge, logic and life. Do you?



Joesph Feuerstein
Joesph Feuerstein

Written by Joesph Feuerstein

Journalist, Painter, Animator, Writer, Philosopher.

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