Individualism and Collectivism
An inner philosophy discussion/argument I have been having with myself…
the idea of America and other modern democratic societies have been about balancing two ideologies; Individualism and Collectivism. Both have qualities to admire and despise. The trends of both though, have weighted differently in popularity and value; at different times throughout the history of this nation, and many others. But a balance must be found for sake of security of collective individualism and collectivism.
We have a subtle system designed to divide and conquer. A system designed to manipulate and extort time and money, to the point of exhaustion by creating an environment of the overworked individuals through isolationism, at work, school, home breaking the collective down to the family to better control. For when there is no other influence, the individual few can control their narrative, because it is easier to control the individual when they are not part of a collective. We live in a world where personal ego/vanity/opinion matters more than collective fact (scientific/other), things matter more than collective or the individual it is done purposely to damage the collective as much as the individual for greater control of narrative created by the individual few to distract from their own collective pursuit of truth and happiness. In the end, the collective is as strong as the rights of the individual. only as a collective can truly change progress happen in the face of the tyranny of traditional systemic division, where the few control/represents the many through division. the quality of work is not equal to the quality of life or quality of life is not equal to the quality work, it damages the idea of a free nation.
In a true Individual society, the individual is in charge. Only the individual’s views are respected, everyone is for themselves, competitions breed progress for one and violence for many. But If the rights of the individual are not respected equally how can the rights of the collective be just and fair though? To quote the great Mr. Nemoy “the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few or the one”. There must be balance and one of logic.
In a true collective society their no individual in charge. Every nation has a collective truth to aspire to. Some call it Faith, belief, etc to the idea of the nation based on cultural/technological goals. How you can get collectivism without tyranny is to be able to tolerate, to have empathy, and respect for other perspectives, traditions, and differences even individualism. Collectivism focusing on the common universal truths that unite many, and those are ( we all want peace, we all want love, we all respect, we all want equality, we all want equal justice, we all want to help others, we all want to make a difference, we all want to leave this earth better then when we came in, we all want dignity and quality of work and of life, we all want a quality education for children that provides opportunity) these are the universal truths of a true fairing collective. as long as there is individualism there will be corrupt intent on the collective, and as long there is an individual representative of the collective and not the collective there will be a corrupt intent by the individual. In a true equal collective society(pay, job, health, education etc) there would be no need for representatives or leaders, for everyone’s voice would have equal weight and value. A free and open collective can be judged from the individual rights/health/education/choice/speech though.
This argument that has echoed throughout history and won’t end here. Time is a human concept, we are only fleeting thoughts, but this one has been constant, the individual vs the collective. I believe their mite be a third choice, one of balance. Life is not black and white, life is gray. Compromise can be found and should be pursued. actions and words should be of respect, tolerance, empathy, and logic. for the sake of a dream, called peace. In a world of words, actions are bombs when paired with universal truths and ideas. You are where you stand, alone, or together, you stand in an idea, in a dream, in a heart.