Housing Market, Tenants, Rent, and Evictions Oh ****!— The Pandemic Caused by Privilege and Capitalism Part 9 (Op-ed Opinion)

Joesph Feuerstein
13 min readAug 3, 2021


By Joseph Feuerstein

*Update*the CDC has extended the eviction moratorium to October 3rd. What happens after that is anyone’s guess, but in my opinion it’s a looming crisis’s kicked down the road that will effect a generation of family’s and children..

As of now, there are a total of 199 MILLION “confirmed” cases of Covid 19 and its many variants World Wide. In the United States, there are OVER 35 MILLION COVID-19 CASES WITHIN U.S. 613K Deaths in the United States as of today. The chance of possible Future Variants is on the Rise. Right now the Delta variant of COVID19 is spreading rapidly affecting everything to jobs, housing, and causing inflation. The working class is fighting this war and suffering the most casualties worldwide. To say that this will not affect the housing market is sheer ignorance, for the evictions will affect surrounding housing value and rental costs.

In most major cities and outlining major counties throughout the United States regardless of political affiliation, one third owns houses, two-thirds rent, pointing to a silent sign of further gentrification and classism. Let’s talk about houses, the cost of living Generationally, and its possible Trends moving Forward over the next 30–40 yrs. First Lets start with the generation that fought in WW2 known as the Silent Generation( 20.87 Million), Boomers (69.56 million ), Gen X (65.17 Million ), Millenials ( 72.1 million), and Zoomers (67.17 Million), followed those being born today 2010–2024 2.8 Million Born Each Week. We can thank Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh for the swing vote of ending the moratorium on no evictions of tenants, he was appointed by the Trump Administration. Evictions will fuel the divide of the disenfranchised and will cost political votes within both partys if nothing is done.

Full-time workers who earn the state or federal minimum wage cannot afford to rent a two-bedroom home anywhere in the country The average minimum wage worker, earning $7.25 an hour, would have to work 97 hours to afford a two-bedroom apartment and 79 hours to afford a one-bedroom. According to a new study from the National Low Income Housing Coalition.

“Someone working full-time would need to earn $20.40 an hour in order to be able to afford a modest one-bedroom apartment in their area. You’d need to earn $24.90 an hour to afford a two-bedroom,” says Dan Threet, the study’s lead research analyst.

As of now, there are a total of 139,684,244 Housing units, July 1, 2019, Owner-occupied housing unit rate between 2015–2019 64.0%(36% unoccupied), Median value of owner-occupied housing unit is $217,500 , between 2015–2019. making it more than likely Gen X- Z will have a harder time finding a home that meets the current median source of income of ($64,324 per yr) one person living off 15$ 40 hr week make ($31200), resorting to condo/apt living almost as if by design by corporate America to create a mirror to that of Whittier, Alaska, “city under one roof” where its workforce lived where they worked, prayed where they worked, etc because it was all that they could afford, almost by design, like Foxconn. This kind of “city” will be more prominent in the future.

That being all said, Their not enough Housing Available (even though 36% remain unoccupied and could be used to serve underprivileged families without homes, vets, elderly, etc but you know banks, unconsciousness capitalism etc). This will all lead to the costs will go up before the market collapses from dying generations who overpriced their houses creating artificial inflation banking on it will cover retirement. but instead, it will create a market that another generation will not be able to afford a preexisting house, for it will be cheaper to build one resulting in the creation of more houses causing a surplus of what is needed to house the population and collapse of the market aka bubble again. But banks might destroy the structure of housing to maintain value despite human rights/ethical reasons (housing is a human right aka life liberty happiness).

Evictions from the covid moratorium will be devastating to the economy, and i believe will have long-term effects on the housing markets, with possible inflation on rent that does not match the value to make up for the years of covid shutdowns. It will force companies and sadly small landlords to bleed tents aka their neighbors of what little they have left after this emergency. Landlords and corporate housing entities will attempt to get back rent from renters who were nonessential workers, and a large chunk of these property companies will go bankrupt in legal proceedings and not being able to meet their own payments. Worst of all many working-class families will be abandoned by a system, falling through the cracks into a society where being one of the working poor is a crime, being under the influence of poverty designed to exploit. The effects of these evictions will affect current housing costs and job markets possibly devaluing the whole market.

In June, the supreme court said the moratorium could continue one month, but New Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh appointed by the Trump Administration was the swing vote. He said the ban had to end at that point unless Congress acted to prolong the moratorium. This will have a lasting impact on the housing market, and the working poor unless state governments, congress acts. So far at least four states — Massachusetts, Nevada, New York and Oregon are temporarily banning evictions of those with a pending rental assistance application.

If you haven’t applied for the aid yet and are worried about eviction, you should do so as soon as possible, experts say. The National Low Income Housing Coalition has a state-by-state list of the 484 programs giving out the aid.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau also has a new tool to help you apply for rental relief. If you’re approved, you could get up to 18 months of your rent covered.

Money, None of which is based on principle or morality, constituents, or constitutional, or law and justice, let alone freedom or liberty, but one tied to a monopoly of sums of money influence on the industries of laws of traditions and ability to manipulate the weight of perception and needs of the system of which amounts of money is justice and freedom. But one must ask themselves if and when the value of things out weights the value of people wither we have lost the values and principles of everything Furthermore on law, and education of law, one must consider the lack of education or absentee of knowledge of the laws, rules, and regulation in the education system to provide a better understanding of that knowledge and given to every free citizen that attempt to abide by justice and those that enforce it is done pre-meditatively to make more money by ransoming justice of the ignorant, and if that is the case does it only give further proof that this system designed purposely out of control where laws do no make more freedoms, liberty’s, or justice but more regulated control, tyranny, and ignorance creating two classes those that know and those that don’t, those that have, and those that have not, The rich, and the working poor. All leading to what I will call the great decay.

I say extremes will be the case for the 21st century for politics. Why extremes in the Democratic party? well, maybe it is to make up for the lack of action on all the social movements of the past 20–60+ years. From the Anti-War movements, civil rights, and women’s rights. to recently Occupy Wall St, to Black Lives Matter, Antifa, #Metoo. They are the Disenfranchised screaming about the issues, and what has truly been done? The status quo has not worked those are disenfranchised and forgotten. We need bold action NOW!

Let’s Have a maybe moment. Maybe its because two of the longest wars in American history; the Iraq War, and the War in Afghanistan were voted by centralists, who forgot the errors of Vietnam or were enticed by the military-industrial complex and forgoed evidence, facts, and diplomacy. Maybe it was the fact that some centralists worked with Segregationists during the 60–70s to find solutions, instead of protesting and standing with people of color. Maybe it was because centralists voted for a bailout for corporations during the recession instead of helping those facing bankruptcy and foreclosure. Maybe it’s because Democratic Centralists did not do more for abortion rights aka equal body autonomy, settled with a hyde amendment and now there is a 5 to 4 Supreme Court Conservative majority that could overturn. Maybe it was the 90s crime bill that put a generation of non-white people behind bars for petty drug crimes voted by centralists, along with stop and frisk programs enacted by Centrists. Maybe it was the fact that 20 years ago the majority of Centralists were against Equal Marriage or LBGTQ+ rights. Maybe its the fact that the whole generation is burdened with college debt which costs compared to the cost of what it was 40 yrs ago has increased to almost debt slavery for X-Z Generation. Maybe is hows Rent is out of control, now major looming evictions and people want rent control to better regulate the market from scumlords. It could be a few of these things or all these things. Either way, the status quo has not worked for those that are disenfranchised and forgotten.

Some say its a time of generational change and ideals within both party’s; that it is a passing of the torch generationally, bold ideas, equal to its rival idealogs. Others say its return to the roots, to something similar to FDR progressives and the teddy Roosevelt party of conservatives. People are upset with centralists, but perhaps that is a good thing, a scream from both sides of a narrative of a broken system is being force-fed “reality” through teleprompter journalism. .

We have a subtle system designed to divide and conquer. A system designed to manipulate and extort time and money, to the point of exhaustion by creating an environment of the overworked individuals through isolationism, at work, school, home breaking the collective down to the family to better control. For when there is no other influence, the individual few can control their narrative, because it is easier to control the individual when they are not part of a collective. We live in a world where personal ego/vanity/opinion matters more than collective fact (scientific/other), things matter more than collective or the individual it is done purposely to damage the collective as much as the individual for greater control of narrative created by the individual few to distract from their own collective pursuit of truth and happiness. In the end, the collective is as strong as the rights of the individual. only as a collective can truly change progress happen in the face of the tyranny of traditional systemic division, where the few control/represents the many through division. the quality of work is not equal to the quality of life or quality of life is not equal to the quality work, it damages the idea of a free nation.It’s like this simply, liberty is a choice. To impose is to court tyranny, people either court liberty or the court tyranny. I would give my life to protect liberty for liberty is a choice You have a right and I have a right I would die for your right but I would not die for your stupidity, but I would try to attempt to save you and others around you from it, for there is no greater tyranny and warlord then time and death, and to impart such willingly or ignorantly is the worst kind of tyranny. For those that think wearing are enforcing or impose someone to wear a mask is tyranny consider this for a moment, To impose such a virus, Just because you didn’t feel like wearing a mask or because you didn’t believe in one, costs the lives of others for lack of taking the necessary steps or precautions is tyranny period. Tyranny of apathy and stupidity, tyranny without value or compassion of life.

Speaking of typical Jim Jones fashion get back to work; Trump did it loudly, Biden is doing it quietly even though variants are even now testing the strength of some of the best Vaccines. A culling from Corporations, Politicians, Wall St, and the other Dragons are going to push for the sacrifice of the middle class, and working poor. Sacrificing the True Laborers of America, profits are the unpaid wages of the labor of the working class. The working poor and middle class who do not have enough tests, Protective equipment, health insurance, or wages; for their privileges and capitalistic needs all. They need more profit in a world of a finite amount of resources at the beginning of an automated(AI, Robotics, etc) workforce take over by big business.ig money whispers collectively between the narratives of the news, “profits over life, Profit over people… apathy over empathy” program the populace by desensitizing, to those that are physically and economically marginalized. Until their numb to the martyred dead, and compliant to work again.But don’t forget, you are replaceable, you are a thing. A cog to their structural machine of designed systems of control, and once you break(get sick, a family member gets sick, no child care, mental or physical health, insert real-life scenario) why bother repairing when you get a new worker, fuck healthcare, fuck social programs everybody’s on their own, your labor is their profits, let the working poor and middle class enjoy cowboy capitalism but socialism for the monopolized business, politically and economically connected, and privileged. Ignorance and greed in the face of scientific fact is dangerous and deadly and will cost many lives this was foolish to do But then again the emperor wears no clothes. Whoever can control the questions and the flow/amounts of them can control the narrative of the answer.

The infrastructure bill would be better served the country if it included Medicare for all American Healthcare Systems, for it would insulate and be an improvement over the current system for future health crises and Pandemics. Expansion and creation of new social programs like higher education and medicare need further expansion, for it will provide a better safeguard for those weaker economic counties, states, and country’s in regards to restructuring its economy would speed up the cost and length of self-repair to its economic system. Social programs that provide food, healthcare, and education allow it to rebuild the workforce. This is not counting for possible climate change effects creating massive migration (lack of habitable environments and the coastline pushing further because of the poles melting causing a lot of coastal species to die) human climate refugees will move inward from the coastal states and countries they live in, as water rises. The rising tide will throw the coastal economies and natural environments into chaos. Then you also have diseases(melting permafrost now 28 new viruses (link) Viruses found in Tibet(link) and now in dung from ancient animals that was frozen being studied in Russia (link)along with diseases ticks, parasites, and mosquitoes breeding more because of hotter climates (link).

In a finite resource-based society facing viruses, climate change, and economic uncertainty have a major impact should those companies/individuals/government that leave impacts from lack of oversight and safety standards/workers/human rights, should they then pay/work off a continuous cost/face punishment for their length/damaging negligence depending on the action politician, CEO, governing body? Furthermore, Should a Person or a few people, Business, Religion, or Government own/control/profits/people/rights of the many? Or should those profits/natural resources/rights/etc belong to everyone equally in an egalitarian manner unowned or owned collectively? Greater men then have pondered and continue to ponder such.

Act like you deserve to be here, One universal truth is we all love, so be it through your actions and words. Furthermore, why not invest in the children of tomorrow by Expanding and creating more social programs will only grow with the growth of current technology and its impact on the workforce, Income Inequality platform and those that stand behind it will also grow with it. Automation plus capitalism will only lead to a darker employment future. Industry Experts have spoken at this to length saying that 25–40% of the workforce will be replaced by automation and AI within the next 5–15 yrs world wide. Here are three links to further my argument Here, Here and Here. Perhaps self-replicating 3d printers(3d print every part of a pre-existing printer only raw material needed) that can print hospital equipment could save lives here and prevent the spread. Those in positions of Economic Power will accept this innovation because it doesn’t sleep, eat, get sick, take holidays off, it will cut costs and promote growth, meaning the rich will get richer. Those with enough capital to buy these machines, or will supply each person with an AI assistant for better efficiency from lawyers (AI listen to cases finds relating case arguments) to retail (insert efficiency, etc) etc job, they will only grow faster small business and the worker will not be able to compete. Those at the top will not weigh the costs to society nor to their humanity. For they value things, and when the value of things outweighs the value of people you lose the value of everything. With up to 40% of the working population jobs becoming obsolete, major changes will be needed and the only way to counter it is with job creation from innovation and society or nation will yield more with reeducation(free technical and college education). To finish please wear a mask and get a vaccine, make your voice heard, silence yields ignorance.

Thank you for listening to this article. end of part 9.

Citation/source — https://www.census.gov/quickfacts/fact/table/US/HSG010219







Joesph Feuerstein
Joesph Feuerstein

Written by Joesph Feuerstein

Journalist, Painter, Animator, Writer, Philosopher.

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