Hate and Anger Are Not Key’s, They Are Locks.
It’s a lock that squeaks, grinds, and scars shut. It locks our minds and our hearts. It locks us into a pit of mutilated sadness, now twisted and rusted into madness. It comes out like moonshine causing permanent blindness. An inescapable ignorance of cult-like worship. Blinders placed upon us. If there was some Latin description it would be “et divisorem maximum”, for it divides the heart as much it does the mind and the soul of humanity for its better self. There is no equivalent exchange when you sign your ability to grow away. It takes more from you, then it gives to you. If there was some sort of warning labels on the bottle, or it the negative side effects it would read as followed like at the end one of snake oil medication infomercial commercials.
Can cause -
-lack of personal growth
- etc
To live is to breathe, and to breathe about inhaling as much as it is about exhaling. Like lightning from a storm to the ground. Let these storms be taken by the winds of time. Let them not scorch your ability to love. Love is forgiveness as much as it is patience; with oneself as much it is with others. Hate and Anger’s true image is ignorance and sadness. Hate is blinding and lacks the patience to understand or to empathize. To understand is to know and question. To question is to grow and to center. Anger is sadness a deformed primal form of melancholy. Let it go and just be, knowing the limitation of the walls and pushing through to see what’s on the other side. Each day ends giving birth to the next, like each season. Let it go, and flow out. Just be, and if you cant, be love. choose love. choose kindness, be kindness. Be the caretaker of your heart. Nurture your better self, and don’t be afraid to feel the waters of the heart flow between your fingers with all its many hues. Life can beautiful if you give it a chance.