Electronic Digital Government and Currency
Its not a question of how but when a nation implements A #blockchain #crypto #opensource or other form of software creates a Digital Electronic Form of Government or Financial Currency internationally recognized Institution.
If it can be conceived, it can be achieved, If you believe in something have the courage to stand behind it. One world government has always been demonized because a true one world government would puts the power back into the hands of the people and out of the hands of the one or the few, the ego and vain, the greedy, the traditional extremists of social sacrificing machinery. The ideas of a Democratic Republic was not met to stagnant in tradition as it currently has, it was meant to grow with the people. The only thing stopping us are the fears and insecurity’s instilled by the powers that be that keep the agenda and encoding conscious free minds with the belief that they have power. Politics are designed to (distract) divide, and (isolate) conquer the people through simple binary ideology(belief), it is time we shed the fear and believe in ourselves and each other, The things we fear only become a reality if we choose, to feed it and or do nothing.
When the value of things outweighs the value of people and living things, we lose the value of everything including the very thing that makes us human, our heart(love, compassion, empathy, and hope) desensitizing us from our own humanity. Morally and ethically, It is my belief, that all people of the world, of every nation, and state desire peace and freedom. Freedom is choice. All governments are basically control where representatives control the masses doing civic duty with the “best intention” of their people or peoples, where the few govern the many through “representation”. We have reached a point that we the people can now represent and govern ourselves, given current and future technology.
The only limitations are the ones we choose to believe. A mass electronically worldwide or nationwide connect Democratic Republic based on communal principles should be formed void of any social, economic, or political hierarchy, that transcends political binary ideology and borders, taking perspectives and input from all, because all want and are working to make it better. We all can now live in a world where the people have no representatives but themselves voting locally, regionally(state, municipalities) and realistically continental, allowing any individual to put forth, and pass any laws, regulations, bills etc defined by the norms(moral, ethical, and scientific facts) of each current society for each level and area of the known space in which we humans inhabit. It is time that every generation from here forward learns how to code and treat as if it was learning another language as provided through early education. As long as the majority of the people are coders Any coder could in essence improve the code being by fixing flaws, glitches adding to the security all individuals and their privacy of belongings, home, choice, views, perspectives ideas, and or multiple of each in regards of input are respected, and free of persecution and attack. Based on their choices,. but i believe this is one way that it can be achieved with the only oversight transparency accountability is the whole of people themselves This form of government would be void of Political/financial or any other Representative {except in matter of the of civil court} but respected as whole of equal individuals, working as whole taking part in improving worldwide connectivity, transparency, and security of Electronic Democratic Republic open source universal tool(open source software or other) and ever improving peace, freedom, and the pursuit of knowledge and dreams. A open society, not limiting; but tolerant, without individual or absolute censorship. The only leaders are all people regardless of any physical, sexual, intellectual, financial, or biological difference, with their pursuits of ideals, the ones we share as a species that unite us, love, peace, the pursuit of Knowledge and happiness.. Through this technology sustained through consistent education and knowledge we could improve its open source transparency, security, and a encrypted accountable exchange and self governance. This would allow a Creation of a marketplace transparent, accountable, free and open exchange of ideas and knowledge. Especially when it comes to the pursuit of any knowledge, cultural, philosophical, technological, and scientific advances and media/medium none should not be limited or restricted by any means, but free, tolerant, and ever expanding for the betterment of humankind. A government by the people with no limitation in the betterment for overall growth for all.
No government of the few or the rich. no corruption, no influence, no secrets, no limitation on freedoms and liberties or equality’s, The lives that would be saved, the truth, science and art that could be advanced based on facts not biased opinions, imagine the wars that could be avoided, imagine? Imagine the money we would save and put towards better like health, education, the arts, science, planet/environment sustainability, job creation, innovation. The potential freedom, transparency, accountability, knowledge, would be endless.As each generation adapts to more and more technology, paper, and brick and mortor will be less and less; from business to governance. It is only a matter of time before something like this or similar is implemented.