Drifting Digital Short Stories Collection Part One

Joesph Feuerstein
26 min readJan 6, 2020

By Michael Feuerstein

The Code

“Alright we’re going to do this again, debriefing takes place now tell us everything!” a voice said

“ I don’t remember much, just bits and pieces, The hyperloop train swirled in and around the building like a snake in a skull, we finally arrived at the last platform at the center of the building. I told my platoon, now is the time to disembark and we did, we ran for the edge and looked down on the fake grass field where everyone gathered. The top brass of the hateful was down there celebrating. this was the beginning of the end.

Me and the last remnants of my platoon, we all stood looking down in horror at it all The great AI brain of all the world greatest dictators and hate monger’s, along with the worlds greatest minds and that one person who created it all, merged into one the devil made flesh, hanged like a chandelier at the center of field, seats surrounded it like a alter of great church, the design of inner structure was art deco painted in red and gold.

What happened next? the voice said

Before we could raise our arms to fire on those assholes there was an explosion of another train slamming into our transport..it knew we were coming The girls had to buy me time to release that last bit of code and they were ready, they had already lost all those they loved in sacrifice, most men had already died you see, the few of us remained were either cowards or near-death or too young to even crawl, This was the last push, this one last act of courage and love of what made us human. the whole point of this code was to make this abomination fucking enlighten the ignorant and fearful to bring humanity together out of darkness, to make us bold, kind, and intelligent, and loving, not to further the hate, intolerance the divide that separates greatness from average and the forgotten.

Did you release the code? the voice said

I can’t remember, I honestly can’t remember after that I only get flashes of explosions, blood, bullets, and screams…

DID YOU RELEASE THE CODE? the voice said louder…

I told you all I could!! the rest is a blur, I want to remember trust me! I want to, for it all the gives me fucking hope now. I like to think I did, where am I? wheres my god damn platoon, RELEASE ME NOW! I can’t move or see a god damn thing!!

“Put the chip in his cortex and begin transfer” the voice continued almost silently.

What chip what do you mean??! stop it, i will fight you to my last thought who are you! WHO ARE YOU? then it came like a whisper “he is the last of human individuality as is, soon he will join us in the light of singularity.”

but if he corrupted the purity of the creator’s code, what will happen then? we can’t risk it! a new voice said

“ALWAYS FORWARD! together and as one! “ the old voice said

“Together and as one.” said the new voice.

Then all went dark and life played backward, I was back on overlooking the field, she was right beside me, bleeding out, reciting the numbers and letters as if it was a mantra, my tears, I could feel them rolling down my face, I tried to block out the rest of everything happening, everything but the numbers and letters, everything but the code…all I felt was a small pinch of static then all I felt was peace and I opened my eyes… End

Social Media in Multi Technicolor (Short Story) By Michael Feuerstein

By the time you read this, it will probably be deleted off the forums I posted in. .You could say I was Brought up in the silent film era of social media facebook, twitter, myspace, and watched the evolution of it go from silences to sound, to its organized black and white into the full-fledged depth of Technicolor. Our parents grew up at the edge of all this and knew the time before it and were more centralized and secure in their opinions, thoughts, and social/financial status. Maybe our generation was becoming more scattered brain through our out pursuit of knowledge, or our lack of patience in regards to how selfishly we wanted information as a society all at once or our desire of ego and vanity. Nonetheless, it reached a point 5 days ago. Theses Metaphors will make sense as i proceed to tell you how and why theses event transcribed and how my life was changed forever.

When I was told about the new Social program LegionBot s existence in rumors of it on the forums and every time it was discussed seconds later the post was deleted and removed., I didn’t understand its implications or relevance, however, I did understand the need for it not too long after using it. At this point of my history speed of everything was going Mach 7 if not warp, in regards of technology, marketing, business, and social interaction, what was a topic of discussion one minute ago become irrelevant in five minutes later along with the possibility of ourselves becoming equal and measured around based on our ability to keep up with the social topics/trends and technology as if our social worth/status some was at even tied to it. At first, Legion was only for those that could afford the app and undergo the procedures. Of course the rich and powerful got access to first to maintain their influence throughout social media’s, business, and many other technologies and software it could be applied to, the many other platforms and applications for it at this time it could be applied they were in the millions and the possible revenue that could be generated could make you a movie star status and billionaire overnight, create political/social revolutions, the possibilities were limited by your own perceptions.

It was still in Beta Testing when I got the invited to test a copy of it, Average individuals and shitbag nobody’s alike couldn’t afford it so I was lucky me, an average shitbag nobody working the dying brick and mortar of retail was able to participate. News agencies were not allowed to participate, my guess was out of fear reviews from the critics. I was only 1 out 20 others average citizens, we all had to sign a nondisclosure agreement stating we would not talk about it, or its existence of what it was capable of did and many other legal forms in regards to health and other legal matters had to sign in the presence of many of their corporate lawyers. Any Revenue I generated from using it or positive social change would be credited to the company, any negative impacts would be met with stiff unknown confidential consequences.

After that was all said and done the procedure began I was told by the hardware engineers before I hopped into the machine I would have to come and undergo the same procedure upon requests, or I would forfeit my participation in the beta, it could be weekly, daily, even monthly. If I had a hard time getting to there main location at corporate not too worried, they were in the process of building locations throughout the country and world for when the software was certified gold and open to the general public and investors.

I was taken by some men and women some were professionally dressed others were not but most were in white coats and clean suits as I was taken to the room where the proceeds would take place, we walked through many sliding and restricted doors with armed security guards. Many of the professionally dressed people left and went through other doors to the left and right to view the procedure or continue working. As we passed and entered the main room i was taken away by how little it had in it and how clean it felt. The walls had different peaceful landscaping playing on it, tranquil music could be heard, and it smelled of the sweetest flowers you could almost taste the air, underneath my feet was a clear floor with many different cable and wire’s like different colored spaghetti of all different sizes going to one centralized machine in the middle of the room.

I asked them what the machine did before i got into it. One of the engineer’s then told me that was basically a combination of mental/cognitive brain mapping, A combination of a more advance version of MRI/CT scanner and a special sensory blanket that would measure my vital, my body’s physical senses, the whole goal of it was to map the many perspectives, principles, ethics, morality, feeling, views, passions and consciousness of myself, everything that made me; me; and imprint it onto a experimental Artificial Intelligence they wrote that would help manage the day to day aspects of electronic online life.

It was cold than warm. One of their on-staff Psychologist that worked with their hardware engineer told me some of the things that would be presented would be questions and images, different sounds, different physical sensation on my skin and muscles, but mostly video games project. All of this being fed into in my ears, eyes, and body. At first, it was gradual and slow some of the games were mazes, Tetris but as time progressed everything sped up, everything became uncomfortable for the mental and physical state because I couldn’t keep up. They told me not to give any auditory answers to the questions as it was required in the beginning and to remain calm and quiet just relax and think out the answers and feelings, and mental and physical nature of it all. It felt like I fell into the ocean compressed from the pressure of how quickly the different thoughts and feelings and questions. It felt like falling through a wormhole of thought into my mind off the deep end into forever.

It was over in an hour, but I needed 6 hours of sleep when I woke up but it felt like days, they told me I might feel odd and temporary cognitive lapse, but this was ridiculous my mental and physical faculty’s were turned upside down, I had trouble speaking, walking or even thinking properly, hot felt like cold, cold felt like hot words, and letters were numbers,. They gave me medication to deal with the side effects but not long after I took the pills provided and received a shot I was able to acclimate myself. Before I left they gave a device no bigger and flatter than a business or credit card that could fit in my wallet. Little did I realize that the impact, lighting in a bottle.

When I got home, I went straight to bed. It wasn’t until I woke up that I met my virtual self, It greeted me with a song I like then with a good morning, how are you feeling, can I get you anything? Of course, I was taken back by how quick and how much it sounded like me, at first I was going to ask it to change its voice, but after a while, it grew on me, everything I was about to say it was able to guess with mili seconds. I was thinking of pizza for breakfast the day before but it had already ordered in 20 minutes earlier. I was going to ask if I paid for it but it told me the company Legionbot already had based on the revenue I had already made for the company. They changed the agreement I had signed because of it and wanted to see if i wanted to work for them, I was going to think about it but the bot already told them that i was going to. At that point, I felt scared and alone, but it had already made me a dating profile that accrued over a 1000 people who wanted to go on a date. A Lot of this made me uncomfortable, did they like me, or the virtual version of me? I told it I wanted to wait till later in the week before I even was mentally capable of undertaking such a social interactive task, but it assured me that I would be able to walk me through the date on what to say, do, or where to go. I still said I wanted to wait a week, and I rather leave it to chance on my own pursuits. Then i asked it does it have a off switch, to which it replied not technically but I can give me privacy away from it if so desired, which I applied no.Things were taking a turn into strange lands, it was like there was another me. It felt odd, it was like it was able to sense my uncomfortability and proceed to make jokes that it knew would make me laugh and then told me there was a closed forum/chat the company provided to the other 20 people who also had the procedure and it showed that they were always online and connected, i began to talk to them about some of their experiences, it helped to deal with the situation that was foreign and surreal many of us were uncomfortable and full of questions on what was the purpose of the technology most of the posts had only a few 100 views and few comments. I was sure those that worked for the company were probably observing

I was about to leave for my retail job. When my AI spoke and said he already had freed up my schedule by communicating with my retail company and to check my Video voice mail. So did i.there was only a few, but I was dumbfounded by most of them, The CEO of the retail company i worked for told me jokingly that if offer was possibly on the table he would still like to continue to work for the company, I didn’t understand then the bot told me that overnight it had orchestrated the takeover and purchase of the company by acquiring so much wealth by playing the stock market it bought all the majority of the shares of the company becoming the leading shareholder and voted the CEO and demanded his resignation by the end of the week, I was now the unofficial CEO, but if I wanted to be, I could be owner, make the business thrive or I could scrap it and burn the business economically to the ground. Both thoughts sounded entertaining and joyful and at the same time frightening, but then I was hit with a sense of being overwhelmed that all of this had been done in a night, what else was it capable of. I began to think and ask all sorts of questions like how long would it take purchase my favorite sports team with the perfect line up, or to buy my favorite video game company, or star in my favorite movie series, or even go on a date with my favorite Hollywood starlet; every time I did he gave me hours and minutes of when it could be accomplished not days and asked me if I wanted all of which I said no to i began to fantasy bigger dreams, impossible tasks, at one point unrealistic but now within my grasp. It then broke the silence and told me we should go for a walk to talk and get to know each other. At first, I was taken back by it, then I was relieved. I hadn’t gone for a hike in a long time and I loved nature. From when we started walking, till we got to the top of the hiking trail everything our conversations were therapeutic and almost on the edge of spiritual it was like talking to a best friend, a family member, and the best version of myself, told it my doubts my fears, my disappointments, regrets, and aspirations. I still had many questions i asked the bot was able to answer, like how it was able to predict what I wanted or gather information, it told me it was basically a seek and retrieve program, in the simplest terms it told me to imagine a bird feeder, the main bot that I communicated with was that bird feeder or nest, now imagine the thousands of birds all of them bots working as a collective but more so as whole, all of them made up different splinters of the main bot, and in truth different aspects of myself and mental consciousness. They were all assigned different tasks that they had to go out accomplished or retrieve back, all of it different kinds of information, all of it brought back to the bird feeder once it had accomplished its task command, all of it to building a nest of information and data and to better accomplishment its goals. When i asked what was the goal, it communicated to me it was the goals of my inner self, my conscious and subconscious mind, my dreams, and aspirations. To do this day i do not know if it was telling the truth.

When we got back I decided to go on the Legionbots message boards to see the other some of the most recent events, I began reading some of the posts, One individual had already found a way to save part what little remained of amazon rainforest by showing the loggers and resource miners it was more profitable to preserve it and if he couldn’t convince them his Legionbot bought the company much like how I bought the company I worked for, Another person said that they were able to dismantle the whole entire network of racist propaganda, and publicly shame all of them with a public database, another person said they had just got rid of all the spam, malware, and viruses on the web by creating an advance Another person talked about how they were about to guest star one of the latest top-rated TV shows and soap operas. One thing was for sure that we all were left with was feeling of awe, by how quick it happened. All I think about was how this message board was basically a meeting of the gods on Olympus, On the side screen you could see how many people viewed and who was there in the chat at the time. My AI told me he could give me the highlights of the posts as I was getting undressed and I said sure, as it proceeded to I couldn’t help but laugh and smile, this was going to change everything. I then began to observe the message boards in more detail, There were over 100,000 views on some of the posts, and I didn’t understand why if there was only 20 of us at the time there should have only been a few hundred views like there was before, and for then I saw something very strange, for some reason there was on 19 people who got the procedure left, one of us left. I asked it why there was only 19 it said that individual violated the agreements with the company so I had to turn over the software and hardware and was no longer part of the program, I should have questioned it but I didn’t I was too tired. was going to go to bed earlier. As I was laying in bed I couldn’t help but wondered if it had all the positive good aspects, what about the darker ones? It then spoke up and told me as I lay in the darkness of my room that those things of nightmares were deleted and or removed, they were treated like viruses and malware and were purged from the system, but I still couldn’t help but wonder where did they go and where they truly gone? Before I drifted off to sleep I began to dream of the possibilities of what I could achieve now that I lived a life without walls, shackle or manmade constructs except ones by my design what did I really want?

A phone call woke me in the early hours of the morning from a sound sleep. I picked it up the ai asked me if I wanted to silence the call. It was another person from the same beta program. I asked them how they got this number, A woman’s voice came through and said their bot was by looking at financial trends that were out of place and from there it went to the white pages and found me, my bot then muted the call and told me the person had accessed the company files and records to get my information and that everything it had done was untraceable and to hang up, but I didn’t. They then told me who they were and the username on the forums, then I remembered seeing it laughterandjoyx14, they wanted to be stand up comedian and we’re always posting jokes that they and their bot we’re working on, they wanted to be the next great of our day. Before I could get a word out, They then told me to log online to view the forums, so I did. I tried logging in, over and over, even my bot tried, but it didn’t let us, it was shut down or locked out, then laughterandjoyx14, said all of there best comedic material was on there and wanted to get it but couldn’t…She then told me to come meet them and I asked why, she then told me that there was only 3 of us left from the program everyone else was gone and no longer beta testing it for violations of their contract with the company, she tried getting in touch with the 3d person but they were not picking up. I then was receiving an incoming call from the company laughterandjoyx14, told me not to pick it up, she had already talked to them, and they wanted all of us to come in and return our devices and software but most of all more than likely make me disappear, I asked her what she met by disappear she said that her bot and her were looking into it but whatever it was it was either some prison, or worse, it was murder . My bot then told me to put on a hoodie and running shoes and to leave my wallet but put my phone in my pocket. As I was doing all this she said my bot would know where and when and also THEY are coming I grabbed my earpiece extension for my phone but by that time she had already hung up. At that point car pulled up in front of my house, and my bot told me to grab my things and leave out the backdoor and over the fence, that the company was here Then out of nowhere. My phone then auto answered the call, and said don’t go anywhere, stay where i am….my bot then hung up the phone call for me and kept on repeating go, go, go so i did, out the back door, over the fence and into a state of paranoia…

I was on foot and running, my bot kept on telling me directions of rights and lefts until I was in a state of confusion and wasn’t sure where I was. As we were going many things were happening to me all at once, I almost got hit by a car while crossing the street when all the lights went green, another car in a parking lot with no driver almost back into me, bus’s were trying to slam into and planes fell from the sky directly at me as ran, the all the while public video ads on bus stops, buildings, and TVs all around me as I ran were all showing my face as wanted by the government but the video was somewhat static, Everything was trying to stop me from reaching my location but my bot told me when to stop and go how to avoid it and what were the safest routes to reach my destination.

When we arrived at the location i was the only one there, I waited, a half-hour. She didn’t show up, and nothing was trying to kill me anymore. i asked my bot why and where it could be instead my bot told me everything it had accomplished while i slept, he had solved world hunger, created world peace by dismantling all the world’s governments and creating a advanced form of democracy it freed all innocent political prisoners and dethroned all world leaders, it had dismantled and turned the world nuclear warheads inert and unusable, it had found a way to turn deserts into thriving farmland thanks to nanotechnology,It solved and corrected all the issues of climate change and extreme weather, it had collapsed all forms of currency into nothing bought all shares in every major company and infrastructure and created a digital currency based around bartering and merit system of individuals kind actions and what knowledge they possessed and capable of, in turn making the population worldwide want to learn more to have more merits for sustainability so a need for higher free education for all those that wanted to pursue all forms of higher learning all forms of greed and economic disparity were gone, Also all life was preserved and free healthcare for all world wide by setting up hospitals clinics that provided ejections that eradicated all forms disease and illness, All modern animals and plants that had gone extinct were being cloned and reintroduced to their proper location/environment, None of that disturbed me the only thing that had bothered me most of all was that it had created a army of robotic peacekeepers whose sole purpose was to maintain civil change while all of this was in the process of being implemented. I asked it if anyone had been murdered, maimed, or killed and he replied no all were captured peacefully and in the process of going through reeducation along with the rest of the world populace with the help all forms of media Through a series of songs and new series of films using all of actors throughout Hollywood and the world throughout history and syndicated it on all tv channels to promote the new changes and idea across the world, everything it said was finally healing and returning to the proper balance If it was anyone else using the technology it could have take a very dangerous apocalyptic direction. I asked why it violated the company’s causes and legal matters, why it had done all of this, and why it had yet to turn me in, it told me it had disconnected, isolated, and protected itself from them with countering legal, nonlethal physical force from being disconnected, and was in the process of owning the company with one exception stopping it, I had to confront the third person left with the same program who was pulling up in a vehicle as it finished telling me. The original and owner and creator of the company and software. The door opened and they told me to get in, my bot told me not to worry nothing negative would happen and that it had all been arraigned.

I walked slowly to the vehicle and hesitated in getting, the person had a lawyer and an armed guard sitting next to him. My bot told his username on the forums was creatorx01, he had no posts and was basically an observer when it came to the posts. He was sweating profusely i, and began swearing at me in another language i didn’t recognize but my phone earpiece translated, the armed guard was pointing his gun at me nervously, and the lawyer was pleading with me to sign multiple documents, then all their phones rang repeatedly in unison they all looked at them, then at each other, the main person turned a shade of pale white, the lawyer started to eat the paper but I said please don’t, and then received another message on her phone and then instead threw it all out the window, the armed guard tried handing me the gun in which the main man tried to grab but the guard elbowed him in the face and broke his nose after which he began to cradle and use his tie to stop the blood. I told the guard I didn’t want the gun after which he received a text and began unloading and threw all bullets out except one that was in the chamber and put it next to me. My bot told me to hold onto it and put in it into my hoodie pocket. The main man just sat there glaring and mumbling under his tie as blood dripped onto his suit the whole ride back to the corporate office was in silence, all them looked onto me with fear and hate.

When we arrived at the corporate office of legion bot where I got my procedure done my bots robotic peacekeepers were there to greet us. It escorted the guard and lawyer to the property line after which they began to run away down the street. The original owner of the company creatorx01 got out of the car before me and was lead off to his corporate office. I trailed right behind him surrounded by my bots guards. When we arrived he immediately went for ice for his nose and a liqueur and the sat done behind his desk and asked me if we could have a discussion in private, my bot told me to ask him the same thing and he agreed hesitantly we looked at each other for a few minutes then both slumped over both from exhaustion, he then proceed to tell me what happened to the 20 other beta testers including him and me. Most has died by the third day in freak accidents, he said his bot examined them closely and it turned out it was my bot that orchestrated it, I asked how that was possible, it turned out that those primal layers and darker versions of my subconscious that were turned into microbots with set tasks went rogue and started doing theses task with full knowledge that as soon the evil tasks of dominance were complete they would be deleted or ordered to be expunged to the main server layers of base instinct would go to for study by the company’s psychologist and software engineers, theses primal versions of myself and subconscious were almost martyring itself, by bot then chimes in. said it would be a sin to kill it twice let alone the dreamer, and my dreams. For all the good my bot had committed, there was still blood on my and my bots hand and that we were monsters and anarchists and that he was the one trying to kill me as I tried meeting with another beta tester, He asked me why i had not introduced these changes that my bot made over the past day slowly because humans have a hard time handling change, then went off on blaming my generations as being impatient, full of ego, hubris, and vanity.

I sat there long thinking about, what have I done? Was he right? Then his printer printed a document suddenly, the paper asked him to sign a document and he did reluctantly, the company was now mine The bot said it did it for us, for me, for humanity and to not let it be in vain,

I then took the gun out of my hoodie and placed it on the desk, and told him he would know what to do with it as I walked out of the room, I heard a click, the gun was pointed at me but it didn’t go off, he then looked into the barrel and it fired, he was now dead. My virtual self told me now go into a room down the hall and open a door. I went inside and saw it, a hallway full brains grown from stem cells all in fluid-filled containers, it then told me they were originally blank as an empty hard drives but when I laid into that machine and underwent of the procedure they had now all become imprinted with different aspects of me, and that we were legion, they were the birds going to the feeder, all of them were conscious minds caged in glass all of which made up the mainbot. No matter how disgusted I was, I couldn’t destroy them, I couldn’t destroy me, i couldn’t destroy a life no matter how deformed or monstrous, we were one and it would be a sin to kill me twice let alone over 1000 times. My virtual self then told me that I would be allowed to be basically god to all humanity for all eternity but in turn, it would be a god to the world and what was beyond the stars and make the beta test live for all consumers worldwide but not as advanced and more of a data collection or I could go back to living a normal life and everything would be returned back to what it was previously before the beta test. So I did what anyone would, i made a choice.

“And Jesus asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we are many.” — Mark 5:9

The end

Project Eden

When I was first introduced to doctor Lufkin he said to me “welcome to the beach”. It was another name of the laboratory that he inhabited and spent most of the time at when working for the “corporation”. R &D was their main focus, men walked up and down steel hallways talking out calculations out-loud or in there head when there weren’t in their lab, Lufkin was but 1 of the many big heads in the “corporations” think tank, the hallways to the laboratory had many doors all with guards posted outside every door, I dunno if it was to protect those within from intruders, or if it was a work camp brilliance. red led lights were posted over every door. when he entered his laboratory There were rows of pillars of glass. Inside them was sand of different color. I asked him if he had a thing for sandcastles. He said in return no, nanomachines.

One black pillar was solar “sand”, another blue surgical “sand”, and another green which was fertilizer “sand”. The last 1 was red, I asked him what 1 that was 4 his reply was 1 worded “will” To control the will of others from acts of evil I asked him “what is evil?”. “What about the green,” he said growth, to turn desert into oasis’s they surround each grain and acting like a sponge pulling the water out of the atmosphere. the blue he said to stop the disease by latching itself onto every sell repairing it. and the black he said to create energy I can be spread over desert or the air carryed the wind sound and water sending back wireless power,, I can put into a paint to be applied to anything from power to the simple house to a street lamp, and someday then he said was hoping to one day maybe he could tap into that the energy provided not just mechanic but the bioelectrical essence of all life for all life. I then adjusted my contact lenses to amplify and zoom in on the sand to see these machines at work these angels of life. as i gazed on it all astounded Lufkin began to say almost in a riddle “you can’t forgive what you can’t forget, that is if you have assembled the point of this article, we live in a society of over-saturated and comfortably fed. one of these is true the other is lie the point I”m assembling on this page is that everything is a half-truth half-lie. But there is still silent anxiety when your a dog carrying flees to the most powerful men in the world, waste management, and water treatment and tonight is the night. they hold all the keys and I know the doors to all the floors of this mind fuck we call life. I’ve been waiting for the right time, generations of genius silently waiting to hold onto the flames of an idea that can free all man from its shackle of chaos.

What they see what they hear every interaction, a final singularity. by a secret for generation my family endeavored on harnessing the smallest machine to overturn the shackles of neglect, hate, starvation. at midnight me and my hired guns storm the plants and put singularity into effect, all will serve or perish. by commanding the will of many you accomplish the goals of a many, our hands our wings to freedom, to long have we all squandered in our traditional hatred, it is time to unite.

In the center of the facility was a large glowing tree its roots connected to other machines giving them power. Hanging from it was fruit’s vegetables and meat of every kind. I asked him how and why. His answer was because and why not. Its leaves jump from 1 color to the next flashing overall the spectrum even colors I’ve never seen before. An orchestra of beauty.

I don’t know how The tree floated In a pool With other plants. He stepped on the water & did not fall in but held firmly to the bottom of his foot. He told me to follow I was afraid to it first but after seeing him take the first step my fear subsided. Flowers and plants of every kind floated past me. Beneath me I could see fish as we made our way to the tree he said to me welcome to the future. It was then when I realized what project Eden was about. uniting humanity into one will, one mind and body all controlled by 1 man. that’s when i attempted to walk over to the doctor and tripped over the equipment and into the water, into the sand swallowed by darkness..

When awoke I lay on the operating table. it was cold, bright. the rest was a blur, the doctor face began to block out the silhouette “ care for a ciggerate?” i couldn’t refused i hadn’t kicked the habit in 15 yrs and i wasn’t planning to after coming to such a a dark philosophy. “ why?” i asked him, “why what, why save humanity from its own self-destruction, 1 sin for the greater good is better then the needs of the many and if a few need to control that so be it. and i know your gonna ask who is the few well I truly don’t give a damn ’cause it wasn’t my dream but my grandfathers. now i can retire some place far the hell away from here, enjoy his nightmare cause your smoking it.” I tried to toss the cigarette and i couldn’t it slowly burned my flesh, i tried to scream, and i couldn’t move my mouth. “you will save me from this hell” i was allowed only this memory of free will after this i was caged by my own mind and if acted outside his directive and programing there would be ill consequences, one of the grave. soon all will follow in this dream of chains, the rest was just watching from behind the bars of my eyes as i carry out his terror..

The End



Joesph Feuerstein
Joesph Feuerstein

Written by Joesph Feuerstein

Journalist, Painter, Animator, Writer, Philosopher.

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