Drifting Digital A Short Stories Collection Part Three

Joesph Feuerstein
43 min readJan 6, 2020

By Michael Feuerstein

Memoir of the Last (Short Story)

All I have is one page; only a page of paper to write on. So I will do my best to use both sides. I learned to write in the sand and dirt. I don’t know the year, date or location in which I inhabit. We all roam and scavenge now. What we gather we share, but it wasn’t always like that. This story is the same story, told to all at a very young age. It is passed from generation to generation. We are the last generation of the human species or any species on earth. The Earth was in a slow death and had been for some time. Slow enough it had taken 5 generations for the world populous to catch on, by the time we did, it was too late. All the elite knew early on, from the moment evidence was found, they passed the information down secretly. They did nothing despite all the knowledge. The same old system of have and have not; a religion of greed, ego, and vanity. Technology had reached a limit where there were different tiers. A caste system had started as soon as the first AI had come online. Everyone was allowed beta access, but to be able to afford the full version outright it would cost as much as a house. Eventually over a generation to purchase the software it would cost the accumulation of one’s entire wealth over the course of one’s average lifespan. The software could not be passed on or given to another user as it had Anti-share technology for greater control. For the poor to gain access they would have to sign a contract of indentured servitude to pay the cost.

My father told me the stories of the Last uprising. Before the uprising, we had reached a golden age of communication... We were not neanderthals in the silent film era of social networking. Social interaction was no longer limited by language, location or country; we all could understand one another. People were broadcasting there day to day, from the moment of waking to the point of sleep. All News happening in real-time with live viewing thanks to everyday people who were highlighted base on their distance to the event. If you were curious about other cultures, or if you were dissatisfied with your own life, all you had to do was tune into someone else’s feed. But then it happened, the one thing the system feared the most, the people waking from their control; without the barriers of language every community worldwide was on the same level. They all realized thanks to technology, they did not need old stagnate forms of government. Despite the attempts of those in control to create artificial fears, there was nothing to divide us. The old traditional hates and fears had dissipated. Everything was transparent, and everyone was accountable for their actions. Nothing could hide in the dark.

True peace and world unity was about to take place. Slaves of every system stood in protest, attempting to grind the worst financial companies and markets to an end. As soon as this started the world’s entire communication system was all decimated in unison. Medication manufacturing was halted. Water supply sources were poisoned. Not to long after the world's largest automated farms and their food stores were bombed. Schools and libraries were burned to the ground. We all knew who it was, last great gasp of the greedy and powerful. A desperate to continue their primal system.

The great migration out of the city’s happened soon after. Walls were built around cities to stop this. Those that attempted to flee or even talked about it disappeared. The decaying of the world got worse. The large workforces not seen since the construction of pyramids were created. Earth’s moon was being converted into a spacecraft. It was built by the poor and enjoyed by the rich. It was hollowed out and capable of supporting life and fully automated. they would want for nothing. Then they left. We all wondered if they would come back, or did the die out there, in the darkness? The Meek and the poor were left behind. The ocean was chaos incarnate. It was acidified, unfishable, and with waves as tall as mountains. The luxury of being humane was gone. Everyone fought over the scraps that were left.

The greatest hoodwink was when we thought we could own nature; our descents left the trees and then taught we could own it and not share it.Pass this on as I have to you. Share, live, learn, and love. From the first tribe to the last tribe, we are blood, we are all human.

The End

Every Candle Knows its Fate

It’s hard waking up that morning knowing everything that was going to take place. You had to keep on going though. Last night I cried myself to sleep. It’s hard losing the ones you love. I miss my grandfather even though he isn’t gone yet. He was a sweet old man and to know in a few short hours he would be gone. Lost from the haze of the world. And the only person that cared about him me, me the last person he would ever see.

Too much light was coming through my bathroom window; I was straining my eyes as I got into the shower and almost tripped over the siding. The shower was cold, my grandfather always used up the hot water every morning. No matter what I said to him about using it all up he would always say, “The early bird catches the worm.” He was always up so early around 5 a clock everyday to watch the sunrise, and earlier when my grandmother was around. They both always said they loved to see it come up So much beauty came from it. Sometimes when the water hit my face and bedded down it I imagined it was blood coming through the showerhead hitting me staining me and the pure white curtain and floor leaving it with a crimson glow. I could almost taste it…..

Down stairs at the meal table in the kitchen mom was making pancakes with strawberries and whip cream… “Are you sure you want pancakes pops” my mom said. “You know how it upsets your stomach,” she continued. Pancakes were my grandfather's and grandmother's favorite breakfast meal, and mine too. Before my grandmother passed on you could smell the aroma of pancakes sizzling on the frying pan early in the morning while you slept. It seems to stir everyone in the house, but that was a long time and we haven’t had them for a while. There was only one time before we had that and that was when grandma had them. My mom wouldn’t cook them after that because it saddens her. It’s a rare occasion when she cooks to, but today was a special occasion. . “ of course I want them, and stop giving me a hard time about it, I only got sick once eating them, and it was when you decided to put in barley any water into the mix” my grandfather said. “All right, all rite you don’t have to jump down my throat” my mother replied. She was always worrying about him I don’t get it but more now than usual… When you get to a certain age you should be able to eat what u want. I don’t see why it matters now though….

I was upstairs. Staring into the empty room now from the hallway. It’s funny how little insignificant things like plants, pictures, and trinkets can make a room feel so alive, beating with life, clothing the room. But when all those things are pulled away it's left without its skin, eaten away and hollow. Each footstep echoed as walked towards the bed. The light beat down cover the room in an orange flush. Looking down on the bed made the tears I was holding back bleed out. I extended my arm towards the pillow with some bitter-ender. After a moment of grave downcast, I place my rose down upon the pillow. The sun caught something and it danced in my eyes. In the middle of the bed lying on its back was my grandfather’s picture. His eyes staring up at me, his face with a smile.

With each step down the stairs, I felt the life slowly slipping out of me. The echoes of my father's voice came back from last evening after the. “….I know it’s hard, but you got to do it. I did it my father did it, and now you, the last chauffeur. It’s a hard task, saying goodbye…….” Out of the trance, I fell back into reality. My hand lost grip of the banister from feeling so emotionally weak. I tumbled down the stairs. I hit the floor with a crack, then I let out a wail of pain and it Reprocussioned throughout the house no creeks of footsteps followed to help me for they were all waiting outside. When I got up I brought my fingers to my mouth. I was bleeding. I could taste the blood in my mouth. It was bitter.

I closed the screen door, going out in the beautiful autumn day. It was cool out; frost covered the grass my eyes noticed as I walked down the stairs and onto the walkway. I stood there for a moment taking it in. The congregation of family and friends all stood on either side of the walkway all dressed in ebony and faces pointed down and facing the ground; my grandfather stood at the passenger side door of the dark car parked in the street, waiting for me. The wind blew the oak tree and made it swayed and creek then bringing down more leaves. It hit my ears and my neck sending a chill down, and almost whispering something to me, only if I could understand. I began my descent, the wind shook the oak tree to my right and other than that only the sounds of tears falling and hitting the rock walkway could be heard. As I walked I began to notice Women’s faces covered in shrouds and men with there top hats off there heads and over there hearts and at the end there stood my grandfather by the car door wearing his best with a top hat on. His face was aged and behind that stood a lifetime of memories and wisdom. He was smiling and tearing as he waited for me to open the car door, the final goodbye. As I approached him I couldn’t detect a hint of fear in his eyes at all, more a look of harmony and peace. The ceremonial words were then spoken as I stood in front of him. He gave me a smile and said “would you if you please sir” as his hands' motions towards the door. Then with tears, I spoke” why yes sir” and opened the door. He replied with “thank you” and wink his eyes, he always did that; it was his way of telling me not to worry. I closed the door behind him once he was in.

As I walked around the old car my feet caught my the sickness that stirred in my heart, and the tears held back in my eyes and I sank to the pavement of road onto my knees. I broke in tears. I couldn’t get up; I was fixed to the sadness and the ground. After a moment my father stepped out of the group and came over to me. He pulled me up by grabbing my arm saying” don’t shame this him with tears, be proud.” He was crying to. Trying to hold them back but failing. He brushed my sides with his arms cleaning off the dirt and my knees, then he walked back into pace after letting me go leaving me there to continue the ceremony. I walked around the automobile and put my grandfather’s suitcase in the backseat. I got to the driver's side and opened the door. I stepped in and sat down, closing the door behind me. I stared out the front window for a moment just to take it everything that was taking place in. I observed my grandfather for a moment; he was looking at an old photograph of my grandmother in his left hand, tracing the lines in the picture with the fingers in his other. Tears were coming down his face slowly. He then said silently to himself “I’m coming home to you Isabel, I’m coming home…”

I started the car and adjusted the rearview mirror. My grandfather fiddled with radio finding the rite station, then after began to wave goodbye. I put the car into the drive and began to pull away. One hand on the steering wheel the other wiping the tears away as they fell down my cheek. Everyone just stood there the unchanged, facings the walkway with heads bowed. I kept my eyes on them till we were out of view and I could see no longer my home. My grandfather then spoke up and said” And the candles know their fate, so do I, don’t worry my boy this isn’t forever you will see me again, but not now; nows not the time. You have a full life ahead of you with its ups and downs but you’ll make through just fine, I believe in you, always have. Just do your best, ill be proud of you no matter what, your in my blood. And remember no matter what you do I will always be proud of you” I started to become a little shaky and more distort over that all I could was smile, I was trying so hard to hold the tears back. Down my face drops trickled.

Down the streets, we went into the old black car. The trees burned with colors on either side as we passed them. We drove for what seemed like evermore. Each minute a lifetime of memories flashing in my eyes and as I peered over at him I could see it happening in his as he gazed out the windows. The music played in the background. We were coming up to the town line. Their division, beyond that, was the unexplained a road we all must take it was inedible. My grandfather turned his face in my direction, in the corner of my eye I could tell he was smiled as I kept my eyes on the road.melloncollie began to fill me and leaked out of me slowly no matter how hard I tried to hold it back. He then proceeded to wipe the tear from my face and said” Take care boy, times will be hard in what lies ahead but keep your head up I will always be there with you and don’t worry about making me proud, cause already have and mind your mother for she just wants the best just remember to follow your dreams. And don’t worry this isn’t forever you will see me again. And remember I will always …lov…e……” we crossed the border before he could finish. A flash. Of white light for only a decimal of a second, and he was gone. Then another flash came and the car was completely turned around I was now in the direction of heading back to the house.

As I pulled up to the house and put the car in the parking spot, I noticed the yard was abandoned. The guest cars line the streets and the foliage was falling upon them still though. I rolled down the passenger window and noticed everyone was inside now. Sounds of muffled laughter could be heard along with other conjoined talks. As I pulled myself over and slide to the driver’s side again my eyes were attracted to something in my line of vision. On the passengers, seat sat my grandfather's pocket watch shining in the setting sun. I extended my arm and grabbed it. I then held the silver watch up against the sun making an eclipse. Then I set it in my lap where I continued to open it. Inside engraved were the list of its bears. My great grandfathers, grandfather, and father's name were held within along now with my own. I looked at the watches glass face and it looked like the arms had stopped the moment I drove through the town line, at the exact moment he left. Then a warm feeling filled me, all the memories came back as I sat in the car from the times I was a child and today. A smile spreader over my face. The words he said earlier stirred back into my ears” don’t worry my boy this isn’t forever you will see me again…”…and this wasn’t forever. I would see him again, just after my lifetime came to close. He would want me to not be so down but it was hard not to be. My blood in my mouth seemed to have dried and the cut started to heal so has my heart. With time id not ache. I grabbed the handle and opened the door to the automobile and stepped out and began to make my way to the house. I stopped at the steps and turned towards the west. The sun was setting over the trees and mixing with the colors each tree gave off at the and made it seem as if the horizon was set ablaze as if time stood still itself. I sat down on the steps. I finally saw what my grandparents were talking about, there was so much beauty in the world for the next half hour I watched it descend till the candle flickered out and the sky was painted black. After that, I set the watch, wound its gears up, and clicked the button on its side and then time seemed to begin again. Every evening following that day I was out there, sitting on the steps of this house watching the sunset, till the end of my days…. .Till my last ride.

The End

Letter from Atop the Tower of Time (Short Story) By Michael Feuerstein

I received what you could call a letter. It was buried in the partition of my computer’s hard drive. At first I thought it was a virus, even after the hardware was wiped and deleted many times it continued to exist; buried like a ancient artifact, or fossil. After careful examination we now know it was not, and origins remain unknown . I will now share with you what it says, and it reads as follows.

Dear Reader,

It is against protocol to infer with the past, but I have decided to anyway; after all who would believe you. As I communicate with you I am working. Me and many others are observing one of the largest black hole ever to exist vaporate. It was at one point the center of a distant galaxy that for you remains unknown. The black hole helped maintain the swirling gravity the held all those heavenly body’s of planets, and stars in place.

Right now, as I write you, I am receiving all types of information. The data would fill what you call a hard drive, the size of the milky way’s largest planets. Some of this data was gathered and recorded in around the black hole at the event horizon. In essence, we have discovered a black hole is a naturally occurring hard drive, or recording device. The data the black hole held, is being processed as it continues to collapse.

Some of the information we have so far gathered comes from long dead intelligent life that came from a time before me, let alone you. The combined history, culture, knowledge, and technologically of many different world that resided in this galaxy. Some of the data contains many different types genetic makeup, some of it was sentient, some of it not. But all if was living at one point, and up till now it was unknown. Also there are multiple unknown chemical compounds, and elements previously undiscovered. From all this information we have gathered, we were able to bring up a three dimensional map of the celestial bodies and their locations that once inhabited this dying galaxy. From it along we have theorized the possibility of how to create new artificial solar systems, galaxy’s, maybe even universes. The rest of the information gathered though, are at this time beyond your comprehension, or understanding. All of it though, would have been lost to the ages if we did not come here to gather the data and preserve it. Now it will be shared among all, for the betterment of all.

I hope this digital letter finds you well. Life is but a raffle of a divine set of sequences. During a evolutionary sideshow;, in a carnival we call time and space. I was born, and lived beyond the darkness of your space; on a glimmer of a another planet. How I got here, is the story of both of us. We are the same, but different nonetheless. You, the human species were my beginning, my progenitors. Now I will relay to you how we came to be.

There were many different overlapping, interacting sciences and technologies. All of them with there own impacts, but none played a bigger role on the human species then Genetic Engineering, Nanotechnology and Artificial Intelligence.

Originally genetic engineering pursuits were undertaken out of health related issues for the sick and dying. Soon there after it turned to purposes of vanity and ego. This lead to changes of many genetic traits. Mostly though was the appearance, and intelligence of the human species. This was done by your soon to be children of the next generation. Those who had financial and political power did so to create a easier manageable populace. Wither it was to create a mass workforce, or national army of drones for their many wants and needs. Some of the changes consisted of lowering or increasing intelligence depending on their assigned task. Appearance or physical attributes were also changed for sexual, or labor related reasons.

Eventually a class base system of laws were created based around genetics. Those in power though attempted to keep their bloodlines pure. Some of them against their laws enhanced certain genetic characteristics and added technology based modification. But as natural urges go against such human fabricated order, overtime intermingling occurred. Overlapping genetic makeup, and technology diluted the human genetic makeup to a point of almost complete extinction of the human species. We found that when there were more complex genetic changes, the more complex abnormalities occurred to the point of deadly irreversible effects.

Not to long after though, the world was close to its another extinction level event. It was all thanks to human ignorance and lack of reverence to nature, and the natural order. Everything on the planet was dying or decaying. It was then realized by the top thinkers of that period, that a reset back to the original human species prior to alterations was required to take place. At that point, the governments of the world tapped into the old graves of people long deceased. The genetic data of those that came before us was then implemented through methods of cloning, and other technological means. Then it was decided by them, that we as a species needed to wipe all remnants of the genetic errors or alterations from existence. Any biological altered individuals were forced to die off without procreation for the betterment of the species. Reminders were left so the mistakes would not be repeated. this was not without anger, hate,strife, or even war. A second option though had to take place,to guarantee the world, and everything it survival. It was then theorized that in order for human and the world’s many species to survive we would have to leave the planet; like birds leaving a nest in order for the world to heal.

Before we left earth, we gathered the genetic data of all plants, animals, insects, fungus, etc. Everything that was need to sustain and create a cycle on other planets. It took generations to gather the data of everything that existed, cataloging and index it all. To do this, all humans had to participate in collecting all the genetic data. this became the main work and focus for everyone living. Everyone was compensated financially as you would primitively say. The world population was given electronic devices and tools to use at their disposal by some of the worlds greatest technology companies and world governments. Some examples of the data that the devices gathered, and recorded are the objects location, temperature, elevation of the location, its behavior and interaction, water and soil information, Energy/food sources, what else dwelled within the said cycle of the environment, Ancestral changes and evolutionary trait and why they occurred. To get to the point one must know the canvas, the size, scope and texture before one is going to apply the paint.

Our species then had to alter itself on a genetic level once more, this time to survive. For example the long term exposure to the many different kinds of radiation. The different varying levels of gravity and the effects to the bone and organ structure; and many other factors that were deadly to our frail bodys. All of this was originally tested on planets within our solar system at first. Once it was deemed successful we left our home planet earth. We then sent out colonies of genetically altered humans, off in different direction. A entire generation specifically tailored to the planet or solar system in which they would inhabit. Theses children of humanity would be divine scientific artisans, god’s in their own right. Our angels would inhabit the stars and treat theses new planets as blank canvas.

When everything was ready, we sent theses children out once they reached the right age. They each had their own ark that carried within it all our cumulative knowledge of humanity, the entire genetic catalog of our home planet and many varying technology. Some examples of the technology were advance AI systems met to help them food, mental and physical health, many different types of 3d printers for multiple applications, and communication between the many ships and home. All those technologies were tailored to the individual within the craft and their goals.

The most important technology’s were nano robotic terraforming tools; and the mass manufacturing of newly altered genetic organisms created by those children during their travels to create habitable world. The new life they created needed to be able sustain the new artificially created eco-systems of theses once dead world outside our system.

Why dead worlds you ask? Well rules were created by the children and put in place so that way they did not interfere pre existing life no matter how small. The planets had to be barren,void of life. We did no want to interfere with the natural pre existing order, as we had already experienced the effects of what over industrialization had down to our own world. So the children created these rules for reasons of morality and ethics.

Not to long after theses children arrived on the pre destined world’s, the solar system they dwelt within and shaped was full of life. Despite minor differences between each system, they respected each others ways of life, and they helped each other in unison as needed for the greater good.

Each planet and system respectfully had its own culture. Each had its own history of origin, but all derivative in origin to earth. Within it, it’s own styles of art, philosophies, language, writing, technology, and traditions steeped in our origins of arrival and settling and based on there genetically alterations. None of their worlds were hindered in communication with one another. Thanks to technology it was not a tower of babel.

They grew peacefully and meaningfully together, sharing their own intellectual discovered and pursuits. For example Some worked in the asteroid field of their varying systems, mining the material and resources to sustain each others worlds. Some even sculpted comets, planets, and asteroids into pieces of art. like the artisans of old, creating great works that they hoped would last for eternity. Even though we all appeared physically differently, as some would say in your time alien, we were biologically, emotionally, and intellectually very much the same. Just with slight changes.

But this was not without corruption of theses technologies, their were some who created world either purposely or by mistake through experimentation that very manifestation of nightmares. Theses nightmares known and not yet known, were abominations, some of your time would call it the living embodiment of hell. I will not discuss this further for the detail will frighten you as much as they frighten me.

After theses errors were eradicated completely, as a group we came the a consensus decision to travel outwards to other unknown galaxy’s; to ensure the survival of the human species and the many others species of our home planet. At this point we left all financial pursuits behind, and pursued solely out knowledge and sustainability of the many species and habitats.

As I said before, everything that was, was modified. All of it mirrored to that of the many species that inhabited earth. For it was the only living life we knew at that point. That is until we found new life other than our own; both advance or primal. New rules were then created, in our new pursuit, under no circumstances did we or were we to infer where life was projected to exist eventually. If it were to exist we were allowed to only peaceful observe, and compassionately study from a distance. If there was to ever be any contact, let them initiate it first, and to greet them peacefully and without provocation. The only reason first contact could only be conducted was if there was a signs of self destructive behavior to the planet by the sentient civilization inhabitants, or to help them avoid such actions self destructive action from taking place out of respect for all the life there unknown to them if possible after careful observation.

I now must continue my work. To finish dear reader, You must understand all life represent the living self consciousness of the universe. Think on what I have told you, the road to come, and what it means to be human along with the human experience. Know that all is considered, and thought of; including you the reader.


The Future Child of Tomorrow

The End

The Cart By Michael Feuerstein

A. continued to push the object down the road, it was night, A. was old enough to remember a time when you could still see it, the stars. They would have been out if it wasn’t for the electric blinding lights, the lights never went out making it feel like it was always day, the reason why was for better productivity, more time to think, more time money, for time for things, and the cycle repeats, the hands of the wheel never stops turning while in slumber. As he walked he pondered out loud. Is all life nothing program to a greater AI consciousness? Were memories the only real ghosts? Was the devil or god in the machines or in man? Did we imprint all levels of human experience, consciousness; with all its sub layers, in every creative thing we did, or even our young?

Everyone walked by him, each in their own galaxy of thought and truth. A. was just another old fool, no different then a irreverent thing of discarded and kept in his cart. It wasn’t until the day the lights went out they saw it, the walls they built to trap themselves in.

then Atlas stopped pushing his cart. He looked around and saw everyone gazing at the light’s above wrapped in darkness. At first there eyes gazed in horror of the wall that surrounded their city. Then they began to focus on the wonder of the heavens shining down on them in awe. They were finally experiencing what he had everyday; Freedom. For a moment they were allowed to dream, not stuck in their cogs of repetition. It was because of him and his deeds, they all began to remember… End Field Of Forever Sunsets

As time goes on you can still hear the echoes of the past. Some memories long forgotten; but still very much alive in a sense many long forgotten. Times just traps every moment and hold it still. You can still journey but in the end, they’re just memories.

There once was a boy with no face, standing in the middle of a swaying field of no time underneath a willow tree. Whoever stands in the field and look off into the horizon will always see a sunset, for they are endless The Sunset stands still representing the beauty of the one he loved.

He looks to the sky for forgiveness, only great emptiness follows, whispers of the wind. Nothing has this boy done, no blasphemy or crime committed. But injustice was committed to him. It will forever torture his very existence, and fill him with decay that will eventually eat him alive. At this moment he falls to his knees with his arms held high and opens his mouth straining to let out a cry, no voice follows willing to scream or speak, for sometimes silence is the greatest expression. From his empty eyes, fall tears. They shatter as they hit the ground, breaking apart into millions of pieces. Where there was once grass and love, but now it has abandoned him. He lays himself down upon this doorway of dirt, and as each tear hit the dirt and absorbs into the ground you see the story the boy named Tear unfolds like the most beautiful flowers of all, the heart.

The sky opened its eyes and let a single tear fall for the lost, scared, and misfortune of the world for its heart bleed for them and wanted nothing but love to overcome. This one tear turned into a boy of black and blue, made of pure innocence. He forever held compassion in his eyes to help the lost find their way. But there was a man named Deceit, who built everything on lies and manipulation. Deceit was against change and emotion, love especially and was willing to anything to do destroy it. When Deceit found out the boy Tear was born, a boy born out of pure love, he was in fear the child would destroy him and his empire. Then he a plan of such malice formed in his head. the only way he saw to destroy this child was by kidnapping him from his womb, anything that would cloud the child from that of truth. After that, he cut away his ability to create. So he took him away from his wound of love. From then on he was raised by Deceit in his captive layer of no regret, no problems, and fakeness where society could never touch his mind and hurt his heart. There were no emotions so there was no hurt. But not forever, Tear yearned something more, he felt like there was something beyond these walls cleanliness. something that seemed to be missing from him and his heart. So then Tear went and asked Deceit if he could leave and go beyond the walls so suffocating they were oppressing. Deceit told him pain lye beyond the walls and no beauty, no hope, just empty and then…nothing. As Tear heard Deceit say these words he saw from his eye of love deep inside his heart and fond out the one who raised him, was the one suffocating him, the lying to him. He pushed Deceit with tears of pity and regret away from the door, and walks through the gates restraining. But as Tear walked through he heard himself being beckoned back by Deceit by those fake memories. Tear deafen the cries and walked forward and never let his eyes sway back in love again.

As Tear wondered long and far he came across a place of Ruble and Ruins. A city of old; abandoned or destroyed now really knows. Small holes that littered the ground. The further Tear walked into the ruins the larger holes grew. When Tear ventured into one of them, it turned out to be caverns. Light up ahead indicated signs of life. Eventually, home carved in the rock of the appeared the deeper he went inside. Hoping that this life that might still be here, secretly hoping they would surround him with a warm blanket.

Suddenly shinning eyes came out from behind the ebony of darkness and were now upon Tear. Without fear, he walked up to group of them and looked up a masked faced, engraved on the mask were the words ugly. They hide behind there masks all cluttered in the mines doing the endless work gathering souls embedded in the rock for Deceits hunger. Their homes were shelters for the blind, for they judged all discreetly. They were never to allow newcomers, for change and freedoms, are forbidden and those who didn’t agree were cast out or put to death. But you could see there masks flicker in the candlelight that covered the walls of the mine. Tear asked they needed another worker, but they looked up and down him with their stitched eyes and judged with fear, behind their twisted masks. First the Ugly smiled for they saw hope in his eyes but then frowned out of fear of change and then decided they didn’t need him. They turned their heads in disgust and went out there business but one stay behind to show him away from this place.

As they journeyed to the border that one ugly named Synthetic told him of a sword, a fallen reliquary that came from the sky in the days of old, from that of the EYE himself, from shards of his heart. Only the pure hearts of faith can lay there hands on it with just cause, and it stood under that of the black star. Then the one of The Ugly who accompanied him departed back to is slavery but broke his code for him, and gave him bread and food out of love, he didn’t go back to the city of ruins but took off in another directions saying “till we meet again, you have my blessing” away from there Tear went looking back on them with some pity, but with some hope that they could change for the reasons that one did give him a hand and his heart then Tear began to walked on, into a forest of sorrow.

Tear wondered deep and far into the forest and got lost in his loneliness, trapped in his sadness. Tear was about to give up and lay himself to rest. Then of far in the distance Tear saw a black star that stood above the trees hanging in the sky he followed it like a sailor who wanted to get home. When Tear got to it, he found it guarded by a woman as pale as the white snow, wearing a black dress, she stood upon the star gazing down at him. He kneeled and prayed silently until she spoke. She said, “ bear your heart, and walk with grace to me, my name is Hope I bear a sacred relic for you, one that shall bring some hope to this ravished world, use it only to rite thy wrongs, follow thy heart, and bring justice and no matter what love shall prevail.” Tear took this sword with thankfulness and swore to abide by what she said. He then walked off into the direction of the light. As soon a she appeared she gone, faded away from the black star of forever.

When Tear came to the edge of a clearing he saw a field of forever sunsets. He stopped and looked at it. In the middle of the field dancing, he saw true beauty for the first time, no only the sunset glimmering giving off the warmth of that only the heart could bring, but the silhouette of what it seemed to an angel. For that beauty, was that of nothing he has ever gazed upon in his travels, it was beyond the heavens and amongst the stars, it seemed to dance. He walked slowly into the field and towards it beauty with cautious steps and each step was impounding and touched his very soul. Then her eyes swayed towards him when he came into view and let a smile glimmer from her face and began to walk the other way to a lonely willow tree in the middle of the field in a playful way that would lead him to follow, and that he did, following his heart, and she seemed to hold the string. Then there she stood under the tree and began to gaze into the sunset.

As Tear got close to her she turned her head towards him and smiled. Tear extended his hand bearing his heart, bearing his soul for the first time. She reached back and placed her hand on top of his and cuffed it, and gazed into his eyes and into him internally. Then they stood next to the tree their hands begin to intertwine and both gazed off together into the sunset underneath the swaying of the branches. Then Tear asked what her name was, she answered with a tender voice “Divine” as he got closer to her and wrapped his arms around and they sat down up against the tree, Devine laying on his chest. She almost seemed to listen to every heartbeat his chest gave off, she was almost touching it thought with each inhales and exhales of breath, for they both finally felt the beauty of what it met to live, but not only that but what it met to love. At that moment it seemed as if time didn’t matter, didn’t even exist and they both got wrapped up in the pleasures of it all and fell asleep in each other arms. Many of time this occurred to many to count and every time was always with a kiss of love that touched his fragile heart and Devine shed a tear because, she felt to beautiful when she was with him, so complete and wanted to cherish every moment. And whenever he awoke also to her beauty a tear of joy fell down his face for he felt as if this was bliss itself and nothing matches it.

But one time he awoke alone and with a shattered souls and empty tears he went looking for her everywhere. Eventually he found her drowning in her own sorrow in a lake of hurt. He dived in and tried to save her, didn’t matter if he lost his life in the process. For she is what he lived for, she was his heart. He pulled her out for a moment thinking he saved her but then she slipped back in. He jumped in after Divine and finally pulled her out with letting with such a strong grip and not letting her slip away, but she was choking and was going to fade. Divine lifted her head with the last of strength and kissed him with her crimson lips of hurt and let a tear fall from her eyes of forever one last time, then her eyes went blank from this life.

He broke down in such pain and anguish, screaming with deepness in his voice it echoes through the lands, all that heard it turned in that direction. But as he held her body laying there, He gazed upon her face shedding tears of blood, but then towards the sky for justice but none came. Then the EYE from above, justice itself, just looked down and just starred as if in amusement and did nothing. As tear looked in EYE he saw it all come barreling at him, Eye filled with knowledge and how his love ended here, Deceits secrets to destroy Tear. With rage Tear got up and lifted his Devine and carried her away from this lake of hurt. Tear walked passed Deceit’s captive layer of no regret and felt Deceit glaring out upon him, he knew what he had to do, but not now. As tear walked past he heard Deceit say life is filled with emptiness and lies, no love just hurt, she was going to hurt you, it wasn’t real, I saved you from her, I loved you more then she could, I raised you now come to me, live in happiness with me and not in such a baron wasteland with no beauty. Come to me and I can change it all. Tear didn’t let his head sway and walked past, he would be back, but with justice in his hands. Tear kept walking until he came to the swaying field of forever sunsets and carried his lover to where the used to lay together underneath the willow tree with each stabbing into the ground memories of the season of that of the summer of his life, where there was love and love alone nothing more, nothingness in the memories where they got wrapped up in the pleasure of it all but none to little, to ever forget.

Then Tear journey backed to the Ruble and Ruins one last time and grabbed the Ugly and Brought them to the lake of hurt and took their masks off and showed them how Truly ugly they looked for under obey the rules of the tyrant so oppressing instead of obeying the rules of that of there heart. Some walked out of their Ignorance that they thought was bliss and saw the truth and rised up against Deceit with Tear leading them. For others, they remand starring, stuck in the Ignorance our of fear looking at there reflection confused scared of thereof change running back into there holes of the caverns of the city of ruble, and ruins. All those who stood up against deceit followed Tear bearing that of justice, and forgiveness. As they marched on towards Deceits Fortress and walked amongst the plain of harden molten black rock. The fortress now in view, Deceit stood in his tower looking down on them with a spiteful smile, he said “Turn back now and go back to the shadows of the underground, turn back and you shall be spared.”

Tear replies back “ You fill our lives with oppression and lies, making them work there to kill innocent souls for greed. You put them in the underground so they can not see the hope in that of light, you raped my heart and my life and for what cause, who are you to judge and layout order, all for the greed of power and dominance. Now fear, for now, justice has found you, and with these words, we wipe your lies away, we are not our farther or tyrant and now you are but nothing so waste your hate and oppression elsewhere, we turn our backs.”

With that, they turned around and began to walk away. No sooner had they turned when Deceit turns a key in his tower podium that would release two enemies unlike any other that would infect the ugly in a horrible way. They were called jealousy and loathing. They both seeped into The Ugly. The Ugly looked at each and felt hate beyond any other as they were filled with the Fury and Rage. The ones that didn’t stand strong picked up their swords they charged at each other. Tear looked upon it with horror. Deceit stood in his tower looking down and laughing. Most the ugly that did stand, fell to the ground bleeding it red, in the end, destroying themselves out of waste, a waste of hate. Tear fell to the ground swiftly, for her was stabbed by the one he trusted most one who helped him find the sword, he was called Synthetic. Tear turned his head in pain looked with grief upon his friend. He saw immense anger in Synthetics eyes. But the anger faded, and turned into sorrow. Synthetic asked forgiveness but before Tear could speak them…he took his own life out of the pain for what he felt inside for the mistake he made. As the blood splattered on Tear from Synthetic, the Jealousy and loathing tried to seep into him, but little did, for love triumphs overall. But poison seeps in made him march up to the castle doors. He called for Deceit to open them but Deceit saw what burned inside of him and cowered in fear. So Tear reaches to his sword and sliced the doors open. Both doors came down with great ease and fell with a thud. Deceit stood waiting for him in the center of his castle. His cloak of lies swaying in the breeze along with the dirt beneath his feet flew under him. Tear approached him slowly every step was a clap of thunder coinciding with his heart. He marched up to him within arm’s length. Deceit then said,” it ends here, where it should have ended, before I should have killed you when I had the chance, you were a fool to leave, and only a fool to come back.” Deceit withdrew his blade. And they began to duel. Their blades smashed against each other, metal against metal. Sparks flew with each protective block. Blood splattered on the ground from small cuts when the swords would come so close to the flesh.

When it was over the dirt was rising, Deceit lay on the ground on his knees weaponless. The whole time Deceit didn’t even bother to look Tears’ eyes. “Do it, you are the victor but I will live forever in the infected hearts of the ones you have freed” Tear Replied by saying “ I will leave u hear with my blade pointed at your chest till you fall onto it out of exhaustion.” Tear then left Deceit on his knees tied up, a blade at his chest that was impaled into the ground. The only direction Deceit had to go was forward, down onto it. Justice had prevailed

Tear walked back to the swaying field of forever sunsets and stood over the doorway of dirt wounded for he lost his heart and remembered the times spent with her and fell to the knees crying and in pain after lade under the tree waiting for his lover and shed a single tear every day without her. Synthetics wound was slowly making tear ravished. Not too long after the day came when Tear fell but not fade and from that moment. in the same place, they laid together the first flower bloomed in memory of love there itself. And over the years spread and multiplied giving beauty to the colorless world, trying to match that of love Tear and Devine had.

But when Tear fell into sleep he saw his lover right by the tree with her arm extended reaching out for Tear with a smile and a tear in her eye. He put out his arm and her hand lay on top of his cuffed and intertwined their hands together. She lifted him up by his hand and they held each other in their arms of grace and never let go as and remand in this moment of bliss forever…

The End

Scavengers Dream

The sky was bright blue. I and my friends were up at the old house I grew up in apparently it had been abandoned but now some artists had turned my old Treehouse into an art project, it was supposedly an art scavenger hunt or riddle by a group of long forgot artist and electrical engineers,. what was once a rotting empty shell now had come to life hiding behind the childhood traumas, the floor that was rotting and just wood had given way different shades of paint and was covered in in resin to seal all the cracks the walls were deep purple’s with different drawings, the ceiling was raised. Higher then originally had been or maybe I was older, the treehouses was in California, there weren’t many trees where I lived but if you went up in the mountains, up Into the Pines, it changed, my parents lived on the edge, and when i was younger me and father went for a walk up the side of one and found a place to build one.

The floor of the treehouse was basically the same except the only difference was that that there was a spiral of micro SD cards going from the outside treehouse walls in made-up old phone with there cameras turned on and appearing on the phone screens underneath the resin, all of them leading to a little mountain of SD in the center at least 3 feet high, but this part was starting to crack, and the resin was chipping and giving away; you can now reach in and grab the memory cards but no one had yet.

One of the artists had decided to build a makeshift fireplace, it had a riddle in the digital display of flames that told us to go down to the streets and look for a sign they were too excited and went back to looking for the art scavenger hunt, I was the only one left, I looked at the spiral of cards letting my eye gaze and zone out, I saw something in the mound of chips, it was a Lone painted SD card with one little red dot on it I took it from the pile and put it in my pocket before I left. I looked at it all, I close the door on someone else’s dream that painted over my own reality and past.

I ran back down to my car and was getting yelling at asking me what took me so long, let’s go so I hopped in my car someone I said let’s just go already, I felt violated that way childhood had been tampered with, back in those days that was a hiding spot for life many traumas, now made plastic, and artificial, brighter by the Hues of the paint.

when we finally found the street sign, we found nearby were painted rocks we decided to follow them. they started out big but got smaller and smaller the deeper we went into the woods eventually it led to a baby redwood tree, not too old but old enough that it was about the size of a normal tree. It had a great big mural of an eye on it, below it had numbers, many of my friends speculated that each one of them was coordinates numbers you could put into your GPS, they took a picture and decided to follow the colored painted Stones back to the cars and check the locations out. One of them asked me if I was going to stay and I said yes.

Again I was the only one left behind I walked around the tree, I felt like there was something I missed, I began to look at the painting, and started to climb the branches up to the mural of the eye, and looked closely, then it saw it, a spot in the retina of the eye that was painted the had a small enough indent that the sd card could be put in but it was covered in paint, I reached into my pocket and grabbed the sd card output it in.

Suddenly the most marvelous thing happened.part of bark above the eye broke off and light came out, the world around me changed, it seemed it was a projection and I was standing inside a restaurant/gallery there was a timer counting down in the corner, it was a hologram of people were bustling around drinking and ordering food, some were painting and playing music, but everybody there stopped as I approached the counter, and began to look at me, my feet were still in the forest, I could hear the leaves shift under my feet, but my eyes mind were their. Some of them said hello, waving and smiling, others went back to what they were doing. One of the people at the counter I approached turned to me and said “so you found it” one of them swiped their tablet and an artificial digital appeared in my hand holographic hand, one that I could hold, full of all sorts of information that I had to fill out if I choose, some of the questions were odd like what was my favorite memory color and my blood type. I asked why do I need to fill this out. She told me I didn’t have to but it might make things easier, that this was just the beginning. Once I was done filling out the information before my time was about to expire she asked me to do dreams dream when you wake, I said I didn’t know… You are close one of them said…the last thing she said was to wait till night and everything will change..so I did, until it was all dark.. and then the forest awoke with color, i walked up to one the trees and peeled away the bark and underneath the bark of the trees were led Christmas lights the made them appear to glow. but changed color when I put my hands near them, .another riddle or other artists dream what was the difference…then I awaken.

The end. Pensoul

They really think its talent that they are some great artist born to be. Every time they bring another pencil or marker down upon that canvas they think it’s them creating the beautiful peace of work, but its not. It actually the pencil, don’t say it’s the marker or the pen cause they don’t do jack from shit they come on the paper over us. We lay out the first few sketches upon the paper. We are the very structure of each picture or the very sketch that determines things. The talent lies within our mystical led. It seems theses so-called humans can absorb our life force and wear us dry. Most of my kind is gone with the older days, died out. I’m one of the original pencils, I date back to 1843. You see the ones made in factories now, those are cheap useless pencils they don’t have the essence of the creativity. Corpses of what was, my brothers and sisters, recycled and compressed. Nothing made of reel wood and led anymore. I am the last of my kind. The thing is with each time they grind away my very being, they take a bit of there own soul with them. Eventually, they die with me. Now let’s get to the story where it all began.

I had been sitting under the glass of an old antique shop for some time. Dust had gathered over me and I sat next to some old soda bottles, called Pepsi, I swear this guy never shut up he was 40 years old, you think after 40 years there would be nothing to talk about, it was always about how he came to be and how he was better than someone like called coke. On my other side were some graphic novels though. Some were called” The Green Hornet”, “Batman” “Spiderman”, and at last” Superman”. They were gorgeous all the time and effort some put into them must have taken hours and they were only 20 pages. People don’t really stop to appreciate the time and effort put into it but I had about 60 years to appreciate every single one.

It looked like the store was being sold and the manager put every item on clearance even me. Me of all things I could create sublime works of art. His loss I guess. This man came in by the name of Jacob Keller. It seemed that he came to claim the graphic novels. He had excitement and joy over his face. When he saw them the first Spiderman sold for 30 dollars. The manager didn’t know much about the graphic novels as you can see. Then when all was over, he was about to walk out then he noticed me, he pointed at me through the glass. “How much?” he said. The shopkeeper said 2 dollars. I was like WHAT THE HELL. I’m over 100 years old, the last of my kind and I went for 2 dollars. He handed me over to the man and he put me in his plastic bag. As I walked out Pepsi was crying, good riddance to the annoying son of a bitch. I heard that he ended up in the trash heap at the dump a little while later I kind felt sorry…..for like 5 seconds.

When I got to his place he left me on a drafting board with a whole bunch of newbie’s. I felt soooo old. But still awesome they were all in awe of my wisdom and superiority. “YO grandpa get the hell off me,” said one, yea only one..don’t as if anyone else poked fun or ill poke you till you cry. It wasn’t that bad of a place, I had a clear view of what they call a television so it was fine. Home sweet home.

It was a week before he used me, but when he did he could let go of me. I was glad to be at least a foot away from those younglings. Plus it was good to be able to use the old led again. He kept saying this is the best work ever and it was. He was creating it seemed the first original graphic novel in about 50 years. Each one today seemed to rip off another storyline or special power, plot, a recreation of the same character or evil villain. But this, it was gorgeous. I was glad to be the creator of such a beautiful piece of work. It was going to bring home the bacon.

2 years and 50 graphic novels later. It was now a nub. Worn down to the very tip, and so was he. He looked worn thin; mine and his time was almost up. I was just about to be used upon the final sketches of the final part of the story, but then my tip broke, and so did I. then I kneeled over onto the drafting table with the final chapter of our graphic novel finished and each of our life’s too.

The End

The Second Wrist Watch

Through his eyes, you saw it, and then everything stilled, life, hope, dreams, and time all on schedule. Soon a boy's life standstill. He was about to lose everything, desire, love, and now soon his life, it all depended on a single wristwatch. Everything he lived for could be so swiftly taken from him in an instant ALL RAPED AND FLONTED His IS FACE. his love, his love was an elegant, sweet, courageous outspoken beauty, some would consider a flower in full bloom, one that you see on rare occasion. She always wore her crimson dress and a extra watch on her hand one for him, one for her immersed life the one they shared together. Always when she drove, on the hour of each dying day she silently whisper out the last minute in hopes of savoring the moment; the life it gave out. this beautiful juncture with the one she loved, this sublime feeling. His life, so prosperous, so going to plan, falling on every note. and his dreams all of which were if he kept striving would come true. But soon all of this would disappear, all from everything all his life he had held most dear.

Her eyes on his own, locked and lost in tranquility, lost in his heart. in here ear though she heard both second hands of each wristwatch beating but severed in moments, tormenting her. Over time she suppressed the inner pain, the echoing sound of fate for on the second wristwatch held the cold hard fact of when he would parish living on each second to the next for if it stopped so would his heart. Only she could hear it, only she could see the hands flickering throughout the day, but she dare not look up that wristwatch she dare not gaze upon it at all Sometimes not knowing is better knowing at all. She has tried to remove it but all effort proved to fail through her life, it only left scars on her flesh. But today she could today the doors of freedom from such a curse would be lifted.

Today on a drive the sound seemed to tick louder in her car in her mind. today sound ticked louder, and the orders of deafening the noise she gave were ignored. Discomposure filled her. Her love who sat next to her notice she uneasy and tried offering her comfort. But none of it seemed to matter. She would not let this overcome her, and with that, her fear came anger, she pressed harder on the gas pedal. her love was frightening and was screaming her to slow down, for she read his moist lips but all she could do was hear the ticking of the watch anything else was just a desolate silence. Her eye jumped to her rearview mirror and she could see her lips moving without her control speaking to her, counting out the minutes and soon the seconds of these very few but brief rapture moments left with all she held dear. everything now was instantly screeching around her and then it all slowed, her effort to escape the ticking sound of the watch were waning; Her eyes jolted to her lovers lips they moved but not coinciding with what came out “ stop the watch, still my life, stop the watch.” and those words repeated over and over, again and again, driving her mad, until she took both hands off the steering wheel and slammed then into her car window repetitively until it shattered scream could be heard all around And then….darkness.

When she awoke the word she feared overcame her for she saw it in his eyes… it was the words of nothing…and all it spoke was you are free…you are free…in the overturned car on the side of a busy street. Chaos surrounded her but all of it to her was blanked out and numbed, she felt cold. Shivering, she repeated the words to herself mentally” you are free” and then peace filled her, and she fell asleep.

The End.



Joesph Feuerstein
Joesph Feuerstein

Written by Joesph Feuerstein

Journalist, Painter, Animator, Writer, Philosopher.

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