Boston, and The Gentrification of a Generation of Art and Sound.
The Gentrification of a Generations Art and Sound. A Music/Art Scene that can not be controlled is something the powers that be will never want. Corporate Boston didn’t like #Wfnx 101.7, #Wbcn 104.1, or now #Waaf 107.3. They didn’t like the artist’s space in the south end. They didn’t like Manray or tt the bears where Nirvana first played. They didn’t like the Boston Phoenix. Perhaps the Stoicism of the culture and greed of old money in the area that inhibits Boston’s ability to grow through cultural expression.
Maybe its because the narrative of all those stations was “anti-establishment”, “anti bubble gum”, “anti-baby birded bs narrative and norms.” The same thing with all Bostons Music venues and clubs, music/art spaces, How many have closed down over the years. The same thing could be said about concert venues, Corporate music companies like clear channel/LiveNation/Ticketmaster want to control the narrative and flow of creativity and rebellion words and sound. Corporate Boston didn’t like music spaces where local bands/DJ’s/artists could practice their craft or venues where they had a voice. They didn’t like local painters having the ability to show their work. They didn’t like clubs that didn’t play bubble gum, attacking them financially or through licenses, etc.
Why? Maybe it’s a generational thing, parents generation spiting the youth aka boomers and millennials. Maybe its greed. Maybe the Music was anti-establishment and self-reflective, rock lived on, past 1989. The music was too real, and that was the problem, the corporate machine couldn’t control the anti-establishment trend or be part of it without being called out for what they were, only posers to social trends, haves pretending they have not. Imposters to cultural relevance or impact and envious to both.
Perhaps the Stoicism of the culture and greed of old money in the area inhibit expression.My gut tells me 80–90’s yuppies have been trying to do it since the 80s, with their fake religious context and sweater over shoulders. Part of me thinks its happening across the country for a reason, to better control the youth through their voice, is the arts(music, animation, film, etc). expressionism has always been dangerous to the powerful. To them, Rock or Alternative music DJs/Musicians have had to much power and control to dictate the narrative, norms, provide joy and most of all set trends…especially the trends. In my observation it happened around the time TRL was canceled during the Iraq/Afghanistan war, the music videos being released were so anti-establishment, and because of such, I wouldn’t doubt that pressure was put on MTV to stop with music videos. Then came Clear channel/and other corporate bubble gum based Satieltte radio with playlists preapproved with no creative control. Right now its back to the pop age of the producer and label make the artists, not the talent, it was fun while it lasted…
Maybe a radio DJ supergroup of all the big names of the 3 major Boston Rock/metal/alt-rock stations (wfnx, aaf, and wbcn) could get together and make their own station streaming all the time on Facebook and other streaming platforms, like Facebook, Spotify, twitch, mixer, etc all simulcast/released together…i think that would make the future brighter. Something to consider. Either way,, when Aaf turns into a Christian channel, the phone calls for metal over the first few weeks will be hilarious. Every generation has a gap generation to technology new and old, one that understands, and respects both, we are that generation, those born before 2000. Saturday is the Last day for Aaf at 10 A.M on 107.3 in Boston after almost 50+ yrs. What we see will fade to silhouettes of yellowed memories and blurry pictures of sound, but the people remain and so will the experiences.